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Thursday, October 24, 2013

Obamacare Website Fixer Is Former Consultant At Romney's Bain

How is this for irony? After spending 2012 scourging Mitt Romney as a heartless capitalist for working at Bain & Co., President Obama is now betting on another former Bain consultant, Jeffrey Zients, to rescue his trouble-plagued Healthcare.gov website.

Obama named Zients, currently the acting director of the Office of Management and Budget, to lead the "tech surge" to address the many problems with website. "Jeff will provide short-term advice, assessments and recommendations," Press Secretary Jay Carney said Tuesday.

Zients previously worked at the management consulting firm Bain & Co., from August 1988 to June 1990. This was the same company that got Romney, who joined Bain in 1991, labeled as a "vulture capitalist" during the election.


  1. Question is, for any amount of money, why would he?
    Let it flounder, let it wither on the vine, let it fail.
    It is supposed to be Obamas crowning achievement.
    So far it is.
    Obamacare is doing exactly what it was designed to do.
    Bring down the capitalist system, enslave every American to an anti privacy, big government redistribution of wealth failed socialist model.
    It rewards stupidity and laziness and punishes hard work and integrity.
    (just like every other Obama policy)

  2. 1204 sounds more to me like you people want to bring down the US just because your guy didn't win election. Obama and co. can definetly do a much better job, but conservatives are just as much to blame. Even after winning a majority of votes in congress, being signed into law, and upheld by the courts, conservatives would rather sabotage the policy than work to see it successfully implemented. Been like this from the start; "i'm taking my ball and going home, waaa"

  3. 8:12 You are a moron. Name one thing Obama has done right. If Obamacare is law and upheld by the courts, how is it he can give passes to his buddies, companies and unions? If I'm paying for the ball, you're damn right I taking it and going home. Why don't you just choke on your Kool-Aide.

  4. "Obama and co. can definetly do a much better job,"

    What an understatement. Of course everyone can always do a better job. One of Obama's many difficulties is that he doesn't have a track record of any achievements.
    No one wants to bring down the US; it's Obama who should be brought down. The US can not keep on with his fiascos which include having President Putin come to his rescue. You democrats ought be hang you heads in shame if this he is the best you all have to offer-a 2 bit ghetto hustler/trash peon who is too afraid to even show his school transcripts. If that doesn't tell you all something then you are beyond help.

  5. "Even after winning a majority of votes in congress, being signed into law, and upheld by the courts, conservatives would rather sabotage the policy than work to see it successfully implemented."

    AND SO WAS SLAVERY! But did that make it right and good for the country 8:12? HUH? Start using your heads! Just because something was passed into law and upheld by the SCOTUS (because not all courts upheld it-FYI!!!!!) does not make it good so stop with the asinine excuses because if the dems had had their way and the GOP not fought we would still be buying slaves on the auction block.
    Now tell us why the whole healthcare system has changed and is in disarray just because a very small population of the country either choose to not be insured or couldn't afford it?????

    I think I'll answer for your-It's because Obama is still a slave to big business and has his head shoved up the butts of corp executives. He'll selling the public a bunch of lies because he made promises to insurance companies (because he obeys so good) that he would increase enrollment which increases their profits.


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