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Sunday, October 13, 2013

Obama Admits Hurting Americans To Score Political Points Against GOP

On Friday, Jonah Goldberg of the National Review Online said that Barack Obama confessed to purposefully hurting average Americans in order to score cheap political points against Republicans.

Last week, Goldberg wrote another column accusing Obama of "deliberately trying to make the lives of average Americans worse just so he could score ideological and political points."

He also cited the statement made to the Washington Times by an anonymous Park Ranger who admitted being given orders to inflict pain on Americans.



  1. He hurt the Dumocrats as far as I'm concerned!

  2. Scumbag, low life piece of ship.

  3. he hates america, but not nearly as much as america hates him.

  4. secrete service earning there money on this round

  5. Just like he wrote in his sealed college papers, "he hates working white people"!

  6. Blogger jeffrockhall said...
    secrete service earning there money on this round

    October 13, 2013 at 4:45 PM

    If they were furloughed, all this would probably be over by now. And obammy would have been taken out........of the spite house.

  7. Remove the S.S......


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