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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Neighbors: Cory Booker Never Lived In Newark

As Cory Booker looks set to win the junior Senate seat in New Jersey Wednesday, his supposed neighbors in Newark say Mayor Booker doesn’t live in the Gateway City.

Multiple residents of Newark told The Daily Caller that the longtime mayor doesn’t live at any of the addresses he has claimed as home. The mayor is believed to live in New York even though he is registered to run for New Jersey’s special senate election.

Booker, who filed to run for the U.S. Senate from a P.O. Box in Newark, is registered to vote at 435 Hawthorne Avenue but his next door neighbors told this reporter and filmmaker Joel Gilbert on camera that they haven’t seen Booker in years and that he doesn’t live there.



  1. Big deal. Neither Robert F. Kennedy nor Hillary Clinton actually lived in New York before they were elected to the Senate from that state. Don't you know that laws don't apply to Democrats?

  2. It is a big deal 9:03. The guy is another fraud just like bammy boy. It's time to stop electing frauds!

  3. As Hillary would say, "What difference does it make". Heck, we've got a President who has a SS number from a dead man. That is against the law, but Democrats don't have to abide by the law.

  4. democrats have a defective gene which makes them dishonest, immoral, liars. There is no other explanation.

  5. Just shows you he is just another scumbag politician.


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