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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Men's Club Parking Only; Black Females Need Not Apply

As we mentioned in an earlier article, the interim City Administrator not only has a City take home vehicle, he has a newly assigned parking space right next to the Mayor now. No other Administrator or Assistant Administrator had been afforded such a luxury in the past. I think the "One Way" sign has more meaning than most think.  


  1. Omg and LOL only you could expose this Joe! I cannot believe they are allowed to get away with this. It is incredible and mind blowing that an elected official act in this manner. He really thinks he is above the law! What a disgrace to Salisbury.

  2. Anon 8:00AM, please explain what is against the law.

  3. Just maybe the lady was not doing her job. Sometimes it use to get you fired.

  4. things change - with all the corruption in politics this is hardly worth my time - of course this is my opinion - that I am entitled to - I cling to my opinion for only God knows how much longer the government will allow me the privilege of one

  5. Anonymous said...
    Anon 8:00AM, please explain what is against the law.

    October 25, 2013 at 8:50 AM

    Hey dumb, dumb or Troll or what ever the heck you are I don't think anyone ever mentioned anything being "against the law."

    Let me put this to you slowly: a b o v e t h e l a w.

    There is a big difference there Mr. Cook.

  6. Interesting how John Pick had to park way down near Baptist Street and Lore had to park way across Rt. 50 and walk in the rain. I guess the 2 homos don't want to get their mousse wet. Kind of reminds me of Rehoboth Beaches "There's Something about Mary." I guess you could say There's Something About Tommy Boi.


  8. The law of civil behavior.

    Under Maryland law we all work voluntarily/at will and can be let go for any reason. It doesn't mean you can treat people like crap. This is a human resource nightmare, a loose cannon like Ireton!

  9. Is Tom Stevenson even qualified to be a city administrator? Can someone show his qualifications? Now wonder there wasn't a job announcement because they would have had to post qualifications.

  10. City of Hyattsville

    Job Title: City Administrator

    Category: Administration
    Status: Open
    Salary: Competitive salary commensurate with education and experience.


    The City Administrator works under the broad policy guidance of the Mayor (City Executive) and the City Council and performs high level administrative, technical and professional work in directing and supervising the administration of the City government. The City Administrator provides leadership for the management and execution of policies and objectives set by the City Council, general contract management, the development of solutions to community problems for council consideration, grant writing/administration, preparation of the annual budget and Maryland State required financial reports, community relations interagency coordination, and general policy research for Council consideration. The City Administrator is responsible for the proper administration of all day-to-day affairs of the City and plans, directs, and coordinates, through appointed department heads, the services and activities of all departments including the Police Department, Department of Public Works, Finance Director/Treasurer, Community Services Department, City Clerk, Community and Economic Development, and Human Resources Department, as determined by the City Council in accordance with the City’s Charter and Code.


    The City of Hyattsville, Maryland is looking for a progressive “hands-on” working administrator who understands all aspects of municipal government and who has an appreciation of the challenges currently facing small cities in the current economy. This position requires experience and training in government management. The ideal candidate must have a strong interest in the finances of the City and have a proven track record of responsible budget and financial management. The administrator must be able to track a multitude of issues at the same time and should be very well organized. They will need to be a big picture person and a strategic thinker who quickly sees the critical path. The ideal candidate will have a proven record of excellent skills in working with City Council Members.

    The administrator must be politically astute and be able to demonstrate an unquestionable sense of integrity, honesty, and professionalism. The administrator must be a good communicator and have the ability to bring many partners together and must be approachable by citizens, staff, and council. He/she must be able to organize and express ideas through excellent oral and written communications to a wide variety of audiences, as well have an excellent understanding of municipal planning and prior experience in community development. Customer service is a high priority for the City of Hyattsville, as well as community outreach. The administrator must be a strong leader who will hold staff accountable and be able to make the tough decisions when necessary.

    Publication Date/Time:
    9/24/2013 12:00 AM
    Closing Date/Time:
    Open Until Filled

    Bachelors degree (Masters degree preferred) in Public Administration or a related field, and extensive experience (10 years) in management of complex organizations, in either the public sector Corporate Business, or non profit (NPO) environments, or in organizations that work with an independent governing body or board. Knowledge of how Maryland State and local governments function is a plus. An equivalent combination of education and experience that provides the knowledge, skills and abilities to perform the essential functions may be acceptable.
    Special Requirements:
    Valid driver's license

    The City of Hyattsville is an Equal Opportunity Employer without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability, political or union affiliation.

  11. 9:01 might be on to something...what a concept!

  12. Tom Stevenson might be considered a nice guy to some, but I have never seen "nice guy" as being a qualification.

  13. 9:01 & 9:42-If that is the case then it only proves that ireton is not only dangerously unstable but grossly incompetent. You do not fire someone for not doing their job then recommend them for a top city position. End of Story!

  14. Unquestionable integrity and professionalism is not something that I would associate with the current interim administrator, the Mayor, Day, Shields, or Mitchell. You need look no further than the public record.

  15. I worked several jobs. Where you mess up you move up. State and Federal Government still practice this rule. You hand off your dead beat and receive someone else's dead beat. Makes you think your getting some where.

  16. The profile of City Administrator doesn't fit Tom Stephenson who hates women and never accomplishes anything on his own just takes credit for those things he doesn't do. Susan Phillips earned his job years ago and is the one who actually has done the work and deserves her new position. Congrats Susan Phillips.

  17. Kathie Brittingham said...
    The profile of City Administrator doesn't fit Tom Stephenson who hates women and never accomplishes anything on his own just takes credit for those things he doesn't do. Susan Phillips earned his job years ago and is the one who actually has done the work and deserves her new position. Congrats Susan Phillips.

    October 25, 2013 at 3:14 PM

    Tom Stevenson is the reason for Ms. Phillips and her divorce. that is a fact Jack! Been there and saw it! Home wrecker!

  18. Another case of Black entitlement mentality.

  19. I used to work for Tom Stevenson. He is about as racist as they come.

  20. It's appropriate the city administrator park next to the mayor, after all, he can't think for himself, he has to be told everything to say and do, so he needs to park next to the mayor, so the mayor can hold his hand and walk him across the street.
    These two are sick/

  21. Holding membership in several clubs, and holding offices in said clubs does not make for the qualifications of city administrator. Just what Salisbury needs two wackos in executive positions. Liar and liar in chief.

  22. Miscellaneous:
    The City of Hyattsville is an Equal Opportunity Employer without regard to race, color, religion, national origin, sex, ancestry, marital status, age, sexual orientation, disability, political or union affiliation.

    October 25, 2013 at 9:40 AM

    This is definitely not the case for the City of Salisbury.

    By the way does Tom Stevenson have a Bachelor's Degree or preferably a Masters Degree?

  23. Tom Stevenson is nothing but arm candy for Jim Liarton and a homewrecker for the chief of the Fruitland Police Department.


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