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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Md. Officials See Progress, Say Former Inmates Less Likely To Return To Prison

Maryland’s recidivism rate is down. That means a larger number of people released after serving their sentences are not coming back to the prison system.

Political reporter Pat Warren explains officials see progress there.

They’re giving credit for the decrease to a partnership approach to inmate rehabilitation.

Andre Vince and every other student in the classroom is in detention; he’s learning a trade that may serve him better once he’s served his time.



  1. What planet does he get his information from? It"s sure here.

  2. so is this how you going to do it? your going to lower the bar.... release criminals so they will continue to rape pillage and plunder the unarmed community ...so you can claim the need to increase taxes to combat higher crime you helped create!!...plus you wont execute the worst evil among us to protect us..no thanks md cant leave soon enough...

  3. The state of md spend sooooooo much money on incarcerated adult inmates more than our children.

  4. Dirty little secret--often parole agents are not allowed to request a warrant.

  5. A lie spoken often enough will be believed by the ignorant.

  6. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    A lie spoken often enough will be believed by the ignorant.

    October 1, 2013 at 8:01 PM

    Guess what pal...I am a parole officer. I know what I am talking about.

  7. It shouldn't be a big surprise that Maryland inmates are less likely to be return to prison, now that they can no longer screw the guards. And I mean literally.

  8. They don't have to sell dope or steal any more. The communists Obama & O'Malley will now give them anything they want for free.

  9. this a jok - or else those MD officials must be drinking or snorking

  10. They actually do learn things, like making small signs, assembling furniture kits, unpacking boxes, etc. State agencies are REQUIRED to buy from the prisons most things that a small business would sell, thereby cutting out the small business and salesmen. Welcome to "business friendly" Maryland. The real reason they stay out of jail is they LEAVE THE STATE like tax payers are doing.

  11. 8:09 They are also required to learn how to run gangs, which run the prison, knock up nasty prison guards, and how to get on the taxpayer dime once they're out.

  12. Also, on another note, jobs are a-plenty in all trades here in Maryland! Unemployment is almost unheard of as the Social Services Office is considering just being open one day a week for lack of visitors.

    Now, back to the story about criminals all happy to quit committing crimes...


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