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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Mayor's Neighborhood Roundtable - Oct. 15

City of Salisbury, Public Works Director, Mike Moulds will speak about the river, about the Watershed Improvement Plan, and about making Public Works more responsive to businesses. Please join him on October 15, 2013 at 1pm in room 306 at the GOB, 125 N. Division Street.


  1. Oh Barrie Liarton you know you hate attending these sparsely attended meetings, but you like being the center of attention. Why don't you go crawl back under slimy rock and die.

  2. That's a seriously deep hole he's planning to dig out of,but I'll be there.Reversing decades of anti business mentalities will be a tall order.

  3. What businesses? There's no businesses here in Salisbury. Our leaders have seen clearly to that.

  4. This is where we will be informed that individual catch basin filters that were deemed too labor intensive when the filterless stormwater pipe was installed will now be installed, "creating jobs".

    No thanks, I'll pass on this insanity show.


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