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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

Mass. High School Student Says She Was Unfairly Punished For Giving Ride To Drunken Friend

A Massachusetts teen was punished for showing up at a party where police arrested about a dozen students for underage drinking – but she didn’t have a drop! Erin Cox, a 17-year-old honor student, says she went to the party to pick up a friend who’d had too much to drink, a story a police officer on the scene corroborates.

School officials claim that Cox still violated the school’s zero tolerance policy just by being there. They took away her captain’s position on the school volleyball team and suspended her for five games.

Erin Cox told the Boston Herald, “I felt like going to get her was the right thing to do. Saving her from getting in the car when she was intoxicated and hurt herself or getting in the car with someone else who was drinking, I’d give her a ride home.”



  1. Liberals! Tolerance pushers with Zero tolerance. What a joke, they preach responsibility, this girl did the responsible thing and they turn around with their double standard hypocrisy and punish her.
    So what exactly is wrong with Education in this country? Why is the American education system failing? Why are American children in a steady decline among the world standards?
    LIBERALS controlling the Education system with lowered standards and self serving unions.

  2. This girl deserves an award--I had a friend that was killed in a drunk driving accident when she was 15. If only somebody had offered the driver of that car a ride, perhaps she would not have been killed...to punish this girl is ludicrous...she very well may have saved more than one life that night. This is yet another example of the downfall of our educational system.

  3. When did we give schools power to say what our kids can and can't do when they are not on school time or property? Shouldn't teachers and other staff be held to the same standards?

  4. 5:45 Exactly, like Jimbo on his footloose exploits in Rehoboth?

  5. This is so very wrong. This girl absolutely did the right thing. Parents preach to their children to be responsible and choose the right thing over the easy wrong - then the school says, nope, you shouldn't have done that. BS!!!!

  6. Do as they say, not as they do.

  7. She still did the right thing, but will have to deal with the consequences. Her lesson learned should be to pick better friends.

    Still, her being suspended is better than if she hadn't gone, and her friend died... she would have carried that with her forever.

  8. Joe, If you are able to get the outcome of this please post it. This incident will set a precedent for future incidents where teens are faced with a similar situation. We send a contradictory message when we say "Friends don't let friends drink & drive" then punish someone for doing exactly that.


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