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Saturday, October 05, 2013

Maryland Is Richest State, Census Data Reveals

Maryland is the richest state in the country, according to data released this week from the Census Bureau.

Recent data from the Census Bureau this week reveals Maryland as being the richest state in the country.

According to the data, Marylanders have a median household income of about $71,000.



  1. Maybe the richest but with O'Mally and taxes the people are not able live like we are the richest state

  2. Median income is so deceiving. It is nothing more than an average. Small pockets of wealth in a handful of areas (Potomac/Easton) are what raise it.

  3. eastern shore rich in Welfare...what a JOKE.

  4. otaxie must need some news break for another one of his con speeches.

  5. DC suburbs (bureaucrats living off our tax money).

  6. Remember that "median" means "average" which is a statistical calculation, like the reports on unemployment, inflation, et al. Like averaging two glasses of water, one empty, one full and the median being that everybody has half of a glass of water.

  7. Remember that "median" means "average" which is a statistical calculation, like the reports on unemployment, inflation, et al. Like averaging two glasses of water, one empty, one full and the median being that everybody has half of a glass of water.

  8. Maryland is the richest state because of enormous amount of government workers here, who are takers, not makers. This blog posted their 6-digit salaries some time ago. Businesses and wealthy people are fleeing the state. That is the sad truth. Just wait when Feds will stop paying fully for Medical Assistance which was expanded in MD, and the state will have to come up with it's own money to cover expenses.

  9. I find it hard to believe....having recently moved to Florida I think the census isn't close. Collier county alone had nearly 20k millionaires at last count, and of the 32 billionaires in the US 27 own homes in Naples. I don't think you will find that in Maryland and thats not including Miami , coral gables, west palm beach, ect . Me thinks someone goofed.....

  10. "Median" does not mean "average." "Mean" means average.


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