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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Liberals Suddenly Screaming Mad About Rate Shock, Healthcare.gov Disaster

Mainstream media turns on Obamacare

The mainstream media loves Obamacare. They love it so much that when the disastrous launch of the healthcare.gov system was evident to anyone with an IQ above room temperature, the media tried to cover it up for over a week, repeating the ridiculous White House spin that claimed the site was only crashing “because it was so popular.” (Yes, people who call themselves “journalists” actually bought into this hoax.)

When that excuse crashed and burned, the media tried to say the glitches and error messages were no big deal because the site had a “new deadline” of mid-November, and it would probably be fixed by then.

Immediately after the site launch, I went public with an analysis of the website, concluding that Healthcare.gov was nothing short of an IT disaster with zero chance of functioning by January 1. Since then, other programmers and IT project managers have independently confirmed what I found, and the consensus among programmers is now quite clear: Healthcare.gov won’t work in a week, a month or even three months. It may actually take years to get working correctly, if ever.



  1. I've even heard a few liberals blame Obamacare on BUSH if you can believe it. I was stunned when I heard it from one libbie but absolutely floored by the 3rd time.


  2. ...but it had to be passed before they knew what was gonna be in it. It kind of like when your dog gets loose and has been running around all night long. You don't know what he's gotten into until he takes a DUMP!

  3. They are blaming FoxNews and conservative/right wing commentators also 10:41. I've also heard them blame the GOP lawmakers for not having an alternative plan.

  4. An alternative plan? We didn't know this one wasn't going to work. Remember we had to pass it to find out what was in it

  5. I say independents and republicans go on an all out campaign blitz to make sure everyone understands this is the DEMOCRATS policies that are affecting them. Period. Bottom Line, End of story.

  6. They are getting what they asked (aksed) for!

  7. This law should apply only if you voted democrat.


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