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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Leaders LEAD. In Salisbury It's Do As I Say, Not As I Do

One would think that the taxpayers who foot the bill for elected officials would get first dibs on parking spaces Downtown. Especialy if your heading to the GOB to pay a water bill and so forth.

As our first Post this morning explains, certain people are being favored to get executive spots as close to the front door of the GOB as possible. 

That being said, here we have Mayor Ireton, Jake Day, Laura Mitchell and others trying to tell US that when and if they build the 500 affordable/subsidized housing units on the Downtown Parking Lots, WE are supposed to park in the Parking Garage.

OK Jim Ireton, Rick Pollitt, Jake Day and Laura Mitchell, start leading by example and YOU park there for the rest of your terms. 

It's obvious it is WAY TOO INCONVENIENT for them, so why shove it down every one else's throat then?

Open those executive parking spaces for those people having to do business with the City instead. 


  1. Its trickle down politics, our Fed Gov't does it so can they. Its good enough for you, (the taxpayer), but not good enough for us.

  2. Take those signs down and put up meters. They are taking money from the city by using these spaces as their personal parking spots.

  3. I am curious to see what happens to Matts parking spot when he moves to the other building. I am sure someone already has dibbs on it.

  4. anonymous 11:55, from what I've seen, Matt has TWO parking spaces marked "States Attorney".

  5. More public officials who believe they are much more important than any of the serfs....public MASTERS, not servants. Who saw Sebelius on TV saying that "most of the people who are calling for me to resign are people I don't work for." She, too, has forgotten her place. Top to bottom, hang them. In public.

  6. Some of them could use the walk from a parking space in the garage, if you look at their body mass.

  7. The county owns the lot and building. Why shouldn't they have spaces at where they work?

  8. 4:45
    If that is the case why shouldn't ALL county and city employees have a space to park with their names on them? I pay county taxes why can't I park for free all day if I go down town to shop?

    1. Because....this lot is not for shopping. It is a parking lot for people to go into the GOB to conduct business. Many employees, by virtue of their job, come and go quite a bit during the day. It would make sense to me that those people should be able to park close by. Those that work 8-5 and only come and go at those times, can walk. Some of you just complain to complain. There is a huge parking lot right next to the Plaza....park there. Stay two hours for free or pay the dollar. Jeesh

  9. Anonymous said...
    The county owns the lot and building. Why shouldn't they have spaces at where they work?

    October 25, 2013 at 4:45 PM

    This is 100% correct and here is a thought to make you shake your head about how stupid the County Executive and County Council are. They allow the city to collect all revenue from the meters and fines.

  10. A lot of city/county employees park in the garage, but many park all the way across route 50...

  11. Anonymous said...
    Anonymous said...
    The county owns the lot and building. Why shouldn't they have spaces at where they work?

    October 25, 2013 at 4:45 PM

    This is 100% correct and here is a thought to make you shake your head about how stupid the County Executive and County Council are. They allow the city to collect all revenue from the meters and fines.

    October 25, 2013 at 6:16 PM

    WTH!!! Are you kidding me? Please vote ever single one of them out in 2014.

    1. They do that in exchange for maintaining the lot. That is how stupid you are.

  12. they've discovered the meaning of the word exempt.


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