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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

Is Obama Still President?

His cadences soar on, through scandal after fiasco after disaster.­

We are currently learning whether the United States really needs a president. Barack Obama has become a mere figurehead, who gives speeches few listen to any more, issues threats that scare fewer, and makes promises that almost no one believes he will keep. Yet America continues on, despite the fact that the foreign and domestic policies of Barack Obama are unraveling, in a manner unusual even for star-crossed presidential second terms.

Abroad, American policy in the Middle East is leaderless and in shambles after the Arab Spring — we’ve had the Syrian fiasco and bloodbath, leading from behind in Libya all the way to Benghazi, and the non-coup, non-junta in Egypt. This administration has managed to unite existential Shiite and Sunni enemies in a shared dislike of the United States. While Iran follows the Putin script from Syria, Israel seems ready to preempt its nuclear program, and Obama still mumbles empty “game changers” and “red line” threats of years past.



  1. Obama and the country would be best served if he just went about listening to JayZ 'music' and playing basketball. These activities are more in line with his intellect level.
    He's clueless when it comes to all the departments under him that he is supposed to be overseeing. He knows nothing. It's what us smart people have been saying all along. His IQ is somewhere in the imbecile level. He got himself and others all jazzed up over this ACA and it was going to be his "signature" law. The dope couldn't even get something as simple as the website rolling smoothly.

  2. Someone needs to email the ghetto boy in chief the local rap video. It's right in line with his class level.

  3. sons like he might have

  4. Anonymous said...
    Someone needs to email the ghetto boy in chief the local rap video. It's right in line with his class level.

    October 30, 2013 at 2:12 PM

    He would then invite them to the white house to join the muslim brotherhood.

  5. obama has to check the news every morning to see if he's still president. That, in his own words, is how he finds out about what his administration is doing. If he misses the news (sometimes golf interferes with his morning routine), he's "in the dark" for another day.


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