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Saturday, October 05, 2013

How Obamacare's Glitches Could Become Deeper Problems

As enrollment in President Obama's health care program enters its third day, its network of insurance exchanges is still plagued by glitches along the lines of what I described in my column this week.

My Thursday morning attempt to login to the main Healthcare.gov hub that’s supposed to serve residents of 36 states, was greeted with a 404 error: “The requested URL /serverdown.html was not found.”

Defenders of the health care law argue that early glitches were inevitable and will be worked out and note that plans don't actually kick in until Jan. 1 and the open enrollment period goes through March. The even more optimistic spin is that the problems are due to high traffic, suggesting overwhelming demand for Obamacare.



  1. I am beginning to think that the Republicans should have let Obamacare implode on it's own. Of course that would have meant many families hurting for the next year but sometimes hardship is what it takes to get people involved to change things.

  2. I think these so called "glitches" are intentional. obamacare's gone over as well as a turd in a punchbowl so in order to save face the administration has dreamed up this "problem." Kind of like the "spontaneous reaction to a video" excuse they used for the terrorist attack on the Benghazi facility.

  3. I hope you're not right but I fear you are.All of this intentionalism would dwarf any terrorist attack,because it's an attack on America as a whole.Terrorism is typically isolated to a specific area-until now.

  4. If by some chance this does get off the ground, with the high deductibles and out of pocket costs it's doomed to be an unmitigated disaster.
    High deductibles prevent people from seeking healthcare which then can turn a relatively minor ailment into something requiring hospitalization and specialized care a lot of times for the person's lifetime.
    I've seen this too many times to count with strep infections. People put off going to the doctor and end up with Rheumatic Heart Disease.

  5. What does the fed.Gov ever get right ? They come up with delay of parts and extra considerations for some. But not all. The cost is always more if not double the braggigng cost.


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