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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Hillary Clinton’s Next White House Run ‘Will Be Better’: Bill Clinton

Did Bill spill the beans? He tells ABC’s “This Week” that his wife, if she does run in 2016, would be a much improved candidate.

Hillary Clinton’s next presidential bid “will be better” than her last, former President Bill Clinton said Sunday, all but confirming that his wife mill make a run at the White House in 2016.

"The next one will be better. It'll be different,” Clinton said on ABC’s “This Week.” “Whether she's in it or not, they (presidential races) are all different. And the main thing you can't do, the great trick in any human endeavor, including politics, is you must learn the lessons of your mistakes and your failures without becoming a general who fights the last war, because every new encounter will be shaped by different forces.”

The not-so-surprising remarks are the clearest indication yet the former first lady and secretary of state will launch a campaign, her second attempt at first-in-command, in the 2016 presidential race.


  1. I'm sure she has a supporter or two out there. Anyone?

    Please, chime in!

  2. better for who???

  3. The results will be the same tho Bill. Benghazi.

  4. What difference does it make - the country will continue to be screwed if she gets elected - or some other whining liberal!


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