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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Healthcare.gov Plagued By Crashes On 1st Day

The long-awaited opening of Obamacare was accompanied today by the long-threatened closing of the federal government.

Americans began shopping online Tuesday for health insurance on the new state exchanges created by the Affordable Care Act.

There were major problems all over the country. Websites were slow or crashed altogether, leaving a lot of folks angry and frustrated. The president noted that by 7 a.m., more than a million people had visited the main website: www.healthcare.gov.



  1. Wow, Obamacare is so unpopular that the website crashed from too many people visiting it!!

  2. Must have been the same "million" that had recently marched on Washington ....

  3. Symbolic of what this will do to our economy.

  4. 9:39
    Keep trying to spin more lies. Maybe it crashed because it just like everything the government touches. It goes to crap. It didn't crash because it was popular it crashed because they were NOT prepared.

  5. stay tuned for "as the stomach turns". this is the plan from hello. already it's been reported more than 25% say they will not enroll but pay the fine. not going to work friends. when people do go to sign up they will find out how much this boondoggle really costs, and be ticked.

  6. Poetic justice, dontcha think?

  7. My insurance rates have DOUBLED...thanks Obamacare!

  8. 9:39-You democrats need to get out and see how things work in the real world.
    Amazon, ebay and Google each get more hits in 20 minutes than all of these sites combined got all day.
    That's the problem with you low information voters, you fall hook line and sinker for liberal propaganda.

  9. People like 9:39 who think these systems crashed due to people signing up are living in LaLa Land.
    The stupid democrats including Obama who is the consummate loser and creates a mess out of everything he touches feiled to prepare for the people who were filing appeals because they thought they were getting this for free or some kind of subsidy to pay for it.
    Now the imbeciles are perplexed as to how to handle this latest 'unintended consequence.'

  10. We can't rule out the possibility that the entire computer crash news piece is bogus since all the statistics and info come directly from the federal govt.

  11. Went and checked it out, worked ok. Also found better insurance cheaper for my family coverage. Just sayin....

  12. 8:51-You may want to research further. I checked it out also and it's seems to be nothing but a gimmick. My private insurance through Care First is much much better and costs less than the exchanges best plan. The plans they are offering in my opinion "cheap" as in not inexpensive but inferior.
    I wouldn't go with any of them because my family is worth more than they offer. Just sayin.....

  13. I think you guessed it 8:10. Hardly anyone was actually signing up so they dreamed up the bogus excuse that it was system overload and intentionally crashed the systems until they can come up with some excuse as to why no one is signing up.
    They may fool a lot of people but I'm way to smart. As stated above many many websites get way more hits per minute than these and haven't any problems.

  14. Google gets 320 million hits a day and rarely if ever has a glitch.
    To say these crashes were caused by system overloads defies common sense. It's obvious they were intentionally compromised most likely because the sign up numbers were so low and the complaints high.
    For those with a pre-existing illness looking for a less expensive plan beware. A friend looked into it yesterday, online and did manage to get someone on the helpline and the best plan was $10 less than she pays now but covered hardly anything she needs that she is now covered for.
    It appears as if the bottom line with this pre existing illness claim is yes, you can get coverage but don't expect much out of it.

  15. I’ve checked the options for my family. The Platimum plan will cost us an additional $290 per month and our out of pocket increases to 10% versus our private plan (which was nothing). So we would pay more and get less, not even including the coverage is inferior compared to what we have now. For example we pay nothing for prescriptions now but would have to pay for some if we were to sign up for the exchange.

  16. We checked it out also and found some really good options to choose from. Right now verses the Humana coverage we have (gold) we would save $310 a month in the exchange for the family coverage. And yes, this was an apples to apples compare. Going to the exchange.

  17. 3 months ago Omalley said this "A 21-year-old nonsmoker will be able to buy health insurance that costs as little as $93 a month on the Maryland Health Connection, the state's health insurance exchange."

    Well according to the site the cheapest is $120 a month and with a high deductible, co pays and 30% out of pocket expenses and I agree the coverage is crap compared to what I now pay which is $128 a month through Care First which limits my out of pocket expenses to like $2500 even.

  18. 8:51 & 11:11, Ya'll need to get on healthcare.com Facebook, the official Affordable Care Act FB page and let everyone know of your wonderful experiences and the saving since you 2 seem to be the only ones in the country who have experienced this.
    Just scrolled through over 2000 comments and found not one positive. It's so bad they haven't even updated the page since just at the opening of the website. Also evidently Reuters took down a survey they had up about people experiences so far with obamacare.
    This is one "train wreck" that actually fun to watch!

  19. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    We checked it out also and found some really good options to choose from. Right now verses the Humana coverage we have (gold) we would save $310 a month in the exchange for the family coverage. And yes, this was an apples to apples compare. Going to the exchange.

    October 2, 2013 at 11:11 AM

    Check the deductible..I heard they are massive!


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