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Sunday, October 06, 2013

Have You Signed Up Successfully?


I would like to know who has successfully signed up for the Obamacare Health Plan or tried to sign up and realized the premiums and deductibles are too high. It would be good if they could prove this, but this may not work. It’s being reported all over the country, people aren’t signing up after they see what the “offers” are and the numbers are extremely low. How can we find out about our area? It’s obvious we have no other media types investigating this.


  1. Ha ,,,Sorry I have git to laugh '''apparently less than 0.0002 have made it. And many of them got sticker shock and quit....

    1. Forget the sticker shock, the fines and/or removal of your drivers license once they find out you're not insured if you don't follow through/allow yourself to get screwed. Remember, if it happens, you did it to yourself with to much information to Obamaland. I'm a vet and have already talked to the VA about this a long time ago and the answer was, if you're satisfied with the care that you get from the VA, you need nothing else. That's good enough for me!

  2. On another post someone posted a link to the Kaiser Foundation website where you can enter a bit of info and get quotes. That's what I did. I refuse to go on the "official" sites, and give them all my info before even being able to view plans and prices.

    1. If Obama, Pelosi, Reid and Hillary are for it, then you pretty well know beforehand, that it's full of what they want and need, which does not include the average American. Remember, s*** rolls downhill, and we're at the bottom. Obamacare reflets them so well.

  3. I wonder how many of the successful sign ups are people who find out the qualify for Medicaid.

  4. I just tried to sign up and was told unable to varifie Identity at this time come back later or call


  5. 12:30 and anyone else who tries to sign up or wants to sign up; I urge you not to try because if you succeed on giving them all your info and then you opt out; the fine is huge; not the $95 promised. one man has to now pay a fine of over $4000.00 and the government has all his personal info at their fingertips. it's a very bad outcome.

  6. I'm not sure but I think $95 is the just minimum fine because the fine is actually 10% of your income and those who make over $9500/yr are required to purchase insurance. So it's those who make in that range that have to pay only %95 (not really pay but they deduct it from any tax money refund.)

  7. If Obamacare was so wonderful, all our politicians would be the first to sign up!

  8. More people participated in Senator Ted Cruz's conference call than have enrolled in Obamacare so far.

  9. We must kill this evil that will be taking over our lives, each and every one of us. We must elect people who will repeal this law; otherwise, it will destroy this country.

  10. Check out Chad Henderson. Supposedly a thrilled obamacare enrollee whose story is now falling apart because he lied about enrolling.

  11. I will not comply. I will close my bank account and help fund the post office by paying my bills with money orders.

  12. I refuse to comply. To pay a fee for the sole reason that I exist is ludicrous. I own the right to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness, and this crap law is not it. It charges me money for being alive in this country! Really? Check your Declaration of Independence!

    May I reiterate, "YOUR Declaration."

  13. Looked at it....Can't afford it. If I had that much "extra money" per month, I'd buy a new (used) car!

  14. After reading the comments and stories on here I have made a life changing decision. I have a bad back and am on pain mgmnt which allows me to continue to work albeit at a slower pace. I have had several people tell me I should apply for disability but I feel/felt as long as i could be productive I would stay off any Govt payout. Obamacare has changed that! I looked into insurance to help pay for my treatment but it is cheaper for me to pay cash, besides all policies I could afford do not pay for my doctor! Now instead of me paying them for working they can pay me to do nothing!!


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