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Saturday, October 05, 2013

‘Grotesque’ DOJ Misconduct

The Holder DOJ stopped at nothing to convict five New Orleans police officers.

In a shocking case of “grotesque” misconduct by federal prosecutors, a federal judge in Louisiana has ordered a new trial for five New Orleans police officers convicted for a shooting on the Danziger Bridge on September 4, 2005 — in the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina — and for a subsequent cover-up. This is another black eye for the Holder Justice Department that the media have barely covered.

Participating in the misconduct that the judge said had created an “online 21st-century carnival atmosphere” was Karla Dobinski, a lawyer in the Criminal Section of the Civil Rights Division of the Justice Department and the former deputy chief of the section. The reversal of the convictions is what Judge Kurt Engelhardt calls a “bitter pill” for Hurricane Katrina survivors, but his investigation of the matter provides an intensive inside look at the unprofessionalism of some of the lawyers at the Holder Justice Department, and also at the department’s attempts to obscure its misdeeds.



  1. Can being a fraud constitute his impeachment. The man is a complete fraud and he is not capable of doing the job.

  2. He is scum. This didn't surprise me at all. You can add the rest of the donkeys to the scum list too.

  3. Remember this one FACT --- those police officers KILLED a man and then put his body in a car and set it on fire, hoping to cover up the crime and make his death look like something other than murder by police.. THAT is what should be called "gross misconduct". Or obstruction of justice. Or falsifying evidence. Or tampering with evidence. Or murder. Or perjury. Or conspiracy.

  4. So,since he's a fraud, and ges to keep his job, what do we do with the charges he has brought?

    It's time to start rounding up the troops...


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