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Sunday, October 06, 2013


ANNAPOLIS – Governor Martin O’Malley released the following statement on the federal government shutdown and its impact on Maryland:

"The federal government shutdown that Congressional Republicans forced upon us will needlessly hurt hardworking Maryland moms and dads who are federal employees; harm small and large businesses across Maryland -- including health, aerospace, and defense companies; and threaten our State's budget in a time of economic recovery."
"In this year's Maryland budget, we worked with the General Assembly to set aside funds to lessen the impact of sequestration -- another needless blow struck by Congress. We have flexibility on how to use these funds, and we're actively assessing all of our options so that we can minimize the harmful effects of prolonged Congressional recklessness on Maryland families and businesses."

For an analysis of the shutdown's economic impact on Maryland by the state's Department of Budget and Management, visit http://www.governor.maryland.gov/documents/federalshutdown.pdf


  1. Why does O'Malley throw all the blame on Republicans just because they are trying to control the Nations debt? Oh that's right, Democrats don't care about debt. Obamacare is going to cost us another trillion bucks that we don't have. Democrats took control of the House and Senate in 2006 and we have been on a downhill slide every since. O'Malley has signed or created 24 new taxes and increases and he still wants to blame Republicans.

  2. Time to wake up Marty. Your party is the one in charge.

  3. I see you are still getting a paycheck.

  4. 1:38 Marty cant help it he has his head too far up Obama"s A$$

  5. Oh omalley shove it, you worthless POS.
    How conveniently the POS fails to mention the poor people who have lost their jobs or have had hours cut due to obamacare. The republicans are attempting to salvage life for those people.

  6. What OMalley is saying is what I have been saying for years. That part of Maryland relies on the federal government for their economy. Omalley has created no jobs in Maryland unless it has some dealing with the federal government. He doesn't care what happens on the Eastern shore or the far Western Counties. The people that have lived here all their life are being forced to move once they retire because of the high taxes. He doesn't care because that just means he gets more taxes from working people than someone that is retired.

  7. Wow, somereally ignorant posts on here. Take your blinders off; the obstructionaist are who they are, the GOP.

  8. O'Malley let's talk about all the jobs you chased out of Maryland .

  9. NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH NAH!!!October 2, 2013 at 2:43 PM

    2:08 is a OBAMA VOTER and we are winning now....

  10. The problem with you democrats 2:08 is you refuse to admit you were taken. Now get your head
    out of obamas and omalley rear end start using your brain and look at the facts. If we have to worry one iota about this shutdown threatening the states budget then there is some real serious incompetence going on. But the problem with you democrats is you spend money you don't have which is why most of you don't have a pot to take a leak in and live pay check to pay check and are so jazzed up over what most of you peons thing is free healthcare.
    You people are pathetic.
    I just want to know what kind of parents you all had because you all are nothing but a bunch of beggars with your hands out and ears wide open to propaganda and blame for everyone else.
    And yes, what about the jobs lost to obamacare? Obamacare has done more to wreck the economy than this ever will because of the many many people who lost jobs or had hours cut.

  11. You are the ignorant one 2:08! Obamacare is the cause of many people losing their jobs right in our own backyard at PRMC for instance.
    Get your blinders off you ignoramus and let's start dealing in facts. Obamacare is in line to be the biggest job destroyer ever and it's well on it's way.
    I'm glad the GOP has the guts to stand up to another one of Obama's fiascos. If you had any sense you would be ashamed of your "leadership" who don't even feel the necessity to read bills before they pass them.
    No wonder states, cities, counties that have been under democratic control some for generation like Detroit are in a shambles. It's because people like you 2:08, who have extremely low standards.

  12. Let's stick to facts, uncomfortable as they might be for some.

    In 2009 Democrats controlled the White House and both houses of Congress. They did not pass a budget during their years of unlimited power. They did jam Obamacare through without a single Republican vote in its favor.

    All revenue (spending) bills originate in the House, per the Constitution. Currently, Republicans could only originate bills to fund some or all existing parts of the Feds. The Democrat controlled Senate would then agree or disagree. If there are sticking points a committee of Senators and Representatives (both parties) tries to find a modified plan that can pass both houses.

    The House has been passing reams of bills which Harry Reid will not even schedule for debate or vote.

    Barack, Harry & the Dems may not like the content of some/many/all the bills they've received from the House but in failing to act on the bills they are solely responsible for the stalemate.

    Their attempt at spin cannot be dressed up; the proper term is lying. And seeking to screw the public by creating the greatest possible discomfort clearly shows their self-serving motivation.

    Fie on them!

  13. OweMalley has the same tailor as the Emperor he parrots! Disgusting!!

  14. 2:08 You are dumber than a fishing worm.

  15. What are you some kind of simpleton or something 2:08?
    FYI The democrats are the ones preventing progress by taking their all or nothing approach.
    Now the GOP wants to fund NIH but the dems won't. Even a CNN reporter got on Reid's case about this saying wouldn't it be worth it if one child was saved from dying? Of course Reid didn't answer the question.
    Not only are democrats liars they are pure pure evil despicable people-All of them!

  16. Oh he answered it. He said he had 1,100 workers at an air force field sitting home with "problems of their own". All you congresspeople and reps are gonna have your own problems come election time.

    You are going to be "furloughed" by WE THE PEOPLE.

  17. the democrat controlled senate is responsible for both the sequestration & the shutdown. failure (refusal) to negotiate is the main reason!


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