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Monday, October 21, 2013

Gansler, Craig Stumble in MD Governor’s Race

EARLY STUMBLES IN Maryland governor’s race are expected. Sometimes, though, those slips have lasting consequences. Already, both Attorney General Doug Gansler and Harford County Executive David Craig have shot themselves in their political feet — wounds that might prove fatal.

Gansler’s trip-ups could be symptoms of a larger problem.

When the story broke that he’d been acting like an impatient cowboy in his state-owned car — sirens blaring, charging through red lights and far exceeding the speed limit — he lashed out at the Maryland State Police and accused the governor of leaking news about critical State Police incident reports to help Lt. Gov. Anthony Brown’s gubernatorial campaign.


1 comment:

  1. how does he like O’Malley now used him to get his gun laws thru and now the that he doesnt need him any more.....


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