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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Four Years Ago Today


  1. That's what happen when you ignorant a'holes vote for criminal traitors like Barack Hussein Obama.

    I don't know how any decent person black or white could vote for this Kenyan Muslim to represent them when there is a war on terror with people with similar names. Do you get the picture morons!

  2. Ok so exactly what did Obama do to raise gas prices to around the levels you saw them during the summer before his election 404?

  3. Thank You Mr. OweBama

  4. Comes to about 35% inflation. How can our govt declare only 2% inflation. Somebody is lying.

  5. Is everyone just going to ignore two of the biggest influences on oil prices: supply & demand and geopolitics (which Obama has really let us down)?

    And then there are folks like 4:04 who just embarrass themselves...

  6. When prices hit about $1.80 in a the Bush years, the politicians were screaming for answers and incestigations...when they got to double that under Obama, surprise! not a peep out of them.


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