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Thursday, October 31, 2013

Five Foot Tall Man With Down Syndrome Beaten By Police For ‘Bulge In Pants’ That Turns Out To Be Only A Colostomy Bag


  1. protect and serve my ass

  2. so so many rights have been violated.
    this is so illegal.
    he knew he was downs and took advantage of the fact that he would not know his rights.
    pretty bad when cops have to pick on the handicapped to make them feel like big men.

  3. The cop lovers are running behind on this post.

  4. If they cops are skeert of that bulge, they have every right to beat the crap out of that disabled man. They have to get home safely!

  5. Whats the real story???

  6. This is probably one of THE most egregious acts of stupidity from police I have ever seen.
    This brain dead cop actually pulled the colostomy bag off the young disabled/downs syndrome man? After he profiled him? And followed him? And BEAT him?
    This is SOOOO wrong on so many levels.
    Obviously the young man is brighter than the cop.
    How did this "officer" ever get certified?
    Let me guess, affirmative action?

  7. I can't wait for the "good job!" cop to come on here and claim it was justified because, as always, he was in fear. In fear of everything, even a shawdow cast by the sun. At what point did the cop think the victim had enough? Was he mad that the kid was taller than him? What ever happen to restraint, judgment, and minimum required force? Everyone doesn't need to be hospitalized or killed to show them that "We are the police!!". You WILL comply!

  8. He could have been a stunt double for Corky on the episode where he was mugged.

  9. There's more to the story imclain. I do feel the men in blue did a wonderful job. Look into things before passing judgement. Sounds like you're a sheep to the media.

  10. Sheep for the Media? boys in blue did a onderful job? support your statement please? as the father of a child with Downs Syndrome, I woud really like to hear every possible scenario you could. Defend your statemnt please?


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