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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Feds Removed Handles From 40 Public Water Pumps Along C&O Canal

(CNSNews.com) – National Park Service (NPS) rangers removed the handles from some 40 public water pumps and closed restrooms in the 184.5 mile- C&O Canal National Historical Park, but they haven’t been able to keep hikers and bikers off the popular trail known as a “cyclist’s dream.” 

“It’s full every day,” said Gail Hall, who runs Mountain Side Bikes at the trailhead in Cumberland, Md. “They’re bringing in their own water and utilizing the tree-lined areas [of the park] for restrooms. Some towns like Harper’s Ferry even brought in potties to accommodate them. As long as they can pedal, they don’t care.”



  1. The Dems motto - "Make it hurt - they'll blame it on the Republicans".

  2. Hmmm... denying water to its citizens.

  3. And how much did that cost to tax payers

  4. Did they shut down the mandatory "illegal alien" water stations out west?!!!

  5. This is one ignorant a$$ president we have.

  6. Would'nt volunteers be an option? Put up a sign or run an ad and I'll guarantee boatloads of people would do the job for nothing.


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