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Thursday, October 10, 2013

Feds Order National Guard to Close I-495 to Derail Trucker Protest

A conservative group claims it has spoken to sources within the Department of Transportation who admitted plans by the feds to order armed National Guard troops to close Washington DC’s Interstate Route 495 tomorrow in order to derail a mass protest and potential blockade being organized by a group called Truckers Ride for the Constitution. 

The sensational claim is posted on the Freedom Leadership Conference website, as well as prominent conservative blog RedState.com. The annual Freedom Leadership Conference has previously been sponsored by the likes of Judicial Watch and Human Events. 

According to Glenn Ryt, the plan to close the route that circles the nation’s capital will be implemented on Friday morning with the aid of armed National Guard troops from Maryland, Pennsylvania and Virginia who will use trucks, jeeps and armored vehicles to block traffic entering the Beltway. 


PUBLISHERS NOTES: Another source says this story has been debunked. Virginia State Police have stated they are violating no laws. We're told this information is being put out there to derail and deter drivers to come out and participate. 


  1. Lock and load... The national guard or the military should not be on the streets of america unless there is a national disaster or martial law or the like... this is a violation to the constitution...

    NOW WILL YOU AGREE WITH ME that it is time to lock and load... they will do anything to stop us from taking back control and as i said it before i will say it again, time to revolt with arms taking back one piece of land at a time state by state...

  2. This is wrong. Infowars is putting out bad information being fed to them by someone that would like to see us go away. It's not going to happen. We are not going away. We will be rolling tomorrow morning, all weekend long. Trucks are already staging in PA and VA, preparing for the weekend. Keep us all in prayer, this is for our Constitution, this is for our Country.

  3. Now I'm going! Wasn't before, but this is going to be one heck of a show!

  4. If you know a Guard member or policeman or active duty military member plead with them NOT to respond to the Obama regime cronies.

  5. run over the whitehouse

  6. God bless the Truckers...

  7. This is yet another false story. Police are WORKING WITH these people not against.

    As long as everyone obeys all laws, be polite, courteous, and respectful, they will afford us the same.

    This is not designed to be a wild west show or anything of that nature.

    This is a PEACEFUL demonstration. Which is STILL guaranteed under our constitution, so far.

    If anyone plans to go, and I encourage all to do so if possible, do not go there half cocked.

    We will be firm in our demands, but there is a correct way to do this.

    Any violence is not condoned or suggested. We have a lot of other avenues to explore before it would come to that, and I hope it does not come to that.

    So keep united. Focus on the common cause to demand change. PEACEFULLY.

    Be safe and God bless.

  8. I won't be half cocked.

  9. So they are going to shut down the beltway so that the trucks can't slow down the traffic on the beltway. HUH?

  10. Anonymous Anonymous said...
    So they are going to shut down the beltway so that the trucks can't slow down the traffic on the beltway. HUH?

    October 10, 2013 at 8:52 PM



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