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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Dogs Found 10-1-13


These 2 friendly male dogs, one beautiful husky with blue eyes and one beautiful brindle dog came down from the Civic Center to the parking lot at the Dog Park on North Park Drive this evening. Neither dog had tags and were roaming around. We brought them in to play with our dogs but we all had to leave. We didn’t know what to do with the dogs since the Humane Society was closed and the City of Salisbury only comes out for hostile situations and this clearly wasn’t the case so we left them in the Small Dog Park with food and water. We will call the Humane Society in the morning if we can’t find the owner.

We are hoping someone is out looking for them. Since we all have big dogs of our own taking them both home would have been very difficult.

UPDATE: We left them in the small dog enclosure at the dog park with a sign asking people not to let them out on the door. People with small dogs usually don’t come late.


  1. Well, knowing huskies, it escaped for sure.

  2. I commend the finders of these dogs...however I find their statement troubling, very troubling.

    "We didn’t know what to do with the dogs since the Humane Society was closed and the City of Salisbury only comes out for hostile situations and this clearly wasn’t the case so we left them in the Small Dog Park ..."

    Seriously, the amount of taxes I pay should at least afford these animals some security for the evening or more. I don't care to hear about the "kill shelter" or "not my problem ..animal control", I would like to know as a tax payer of this county what the heck do we do in situations like this? I appreciate that the finders did what they could, but seriously, where is the county in this???


  3. Everything the finders said is true. In the evenings and on weekends there is no help. The HS will not help out if in the city limits. AC only has one active officer. No help evenings and weekends has been the frustration of all rescuers FOR YEARS. Rescuers have to transport them to the HS on their own. I have a husky and from the appearance of the runaways coat he has either been lose for quite awhile or he is not well cared for.

  4. I'm not so sure this isn't the husky that we tried, unsucessfully, to catch this spring during the poodle show. Was running loose with another dog, but didn't get close enough to see the eye color, so don't know for sure. Would explain the state of its coat. Hopefully the owners will be found!

  5. 8:18-Your taxes went elsewhere.

  6. I'd like to see the HS books! With what they get, no more then they do---something is wrong.
    The people of this County pay taxes
    & the HS should have someone there to take in animals like this!!!!

  7. Look who is running the HS...he left Berlin Fire Dept after creating a hostile situation there with humans..do we honestly think he gives a crap about animals???


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