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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Do You Think Wicomico County's Government is Transparent? Recent Sage Group Report - Agenda

Hello Joe, I've seen some interesting happenings going on around our county government.  So I would like to put out how I perceive them and then ask our citizens how they perceive them. I've often heard the word "transparency" used in relation to our county government. One  definition  says that you can see clearly through something without distortion. I like to view transparency as free from pretense or deception. Let's look at something put out at one of our recent County Council meetings. I believe our County Administrator was making a point to the Council that something should be done with the Revenue Cap and referenced The Sage Group Report. Now for those of you who have not read this report I suggest you take the time to read it. It's on line under Wicomico County Government Financial. At this time I would like to thank Mr. Strausburg for inviting me to this forum as it gives me first hand account as to what went on, at least in my group. Most  of our county government personnel like to keep a distance between themselves and VOICE members but I have to give it to Mr. Strausburg because I was invited. First of all I would like to give you my perception of the Sage Report. If you are in County Government and want to do something the best thing to do is to pay for a report that will support what you are trying to do. Thus The Sage Report. Paid for by our County Executive to say what he's been wanting to do for years and that is to get rid of the Revenue Cap. Now as you read through this report I want you to take notice that you don't see any suggestions that weren't already put out at some time in one of many meeting attended by our citizens. But what the County Executive can now say is "it was recommended by The Sage Group". That's the reason for the thirty thousand dollars paid for out of our taxpayers pockets. This I call "deception". I also want you to note that there is no mention of the names of who attended these meetings and what comments they said. For some reason the County Executive appears to not want the citizens to know who attended these sessions and what they said. Didn't he run on what's that word? Oh yeah, "Transparency". Well let's be transparent about it Mr. County Executive, who were the people in this group and what was their input? Perhaps taxpayers would like to know about suggestions of speed cameras and how they could bring in more revenue. Or perhaps they could hear from the businessman who said that businesses didn't support the Revenue Cap because of the negative aspects on the Board of Education. Yeah, let's hear his name and what business he owns. Here's a point that came up often in the report and guess where you hear it from all the time? "The County Can Not Cut Any Spending ". Ever hear that from our County Administration side of government or the BOE? Almost at every meeting. But how would any citizen know about what could be cut and what can't be cut? The citizens are purposely kept in the dark. Just look back a week ago when our County Executive tried to keep top salaries hidden from the people. After seeing them I don't blame him because I feel he owes the citizens a good reason for what he tried to do. For years I have stood in front of our County Council and ask that a full copy of the BOE and County Budget be put in the Library and County Office Building for the citizens to review. You know the budget I'm talking about. Not the 8-10 pages given out at meetings but the four inch copies used by the County Council. Does anyone know if that's been done yet? I truly haven't had the chance to check this out. A member of one group stated that he can see the money going into the BOE but just can't see where it is being spent! He wasn't in my group and if I knew his name I would shake his hand for pointing out what just about every citizen knows and the County Government won't do anything about it. What's that word again? Oh yeah, Transparency". Another idea that this report keeps putting out is "the citizens didn't really understand what they were signing when the Revenue Cap was put up for the Citizens to vote on. How many times have we heard this at numerous meetings by the same people? I think that the County Executive believes that if he keeps having this put out (and remember, this is in The Sage Report) he believes people will believe it. So here's what I would like to see.I would like people to read the Sage Report and see if perhaps the County Executive's office is now using it to justify their means. I would also like to see the names of the people who made up the groups for the Sage Report and have them comment on their inputs. Put your name on it if you believe in what you said. Don't hide behind "Anonymous" 

John Palmer, President VOICE,Inc.


  1. This is an excellent commentary. This article seems to confirm my suspicions all along - Pollitt has an agenda - and it is getting deeper into the taxpayers pockets. This style of county management needs to STOP IMMEDIATELY.

  2. Pollitt has wanted to eradicate the revenue cap anyway possible. By now the electorate is onto his game plan and hopefully they'll be prepared to deal with it come election time.

  3. Transparency, what transparency.

  4. This is a way of life for local Governments. The Tri County Council is as bad or worse.

  5. Not they are not transparent. Get rid of all of them.

  6. There are so many people out of work or suffering a reduction in hours in this area that I'm sure revenue is down. I made so little last year I nearly paid no taxes! You can't get blood from a stone Rick, so go pound sand!

    Due to a severe cut in my hours I just finished a new claim for unemployment, AGAIN!

  7. Pollitts vision for Wicomico Co. - spend more of the taxpayers money - increase taxes on everyone else while raising the income standards of the public servants to the detriment of the electorate.

    I agree, his style of management is not conducive with our local economy and ought not be allowed.

  8. I do not believe Pollitt is going to run for reelection because no one in their right mind would be doing the things that he has done to our county residents. Eventually, his track record is going to turn on him.

  9. Again, a one sided commentary. Pollitt did not try to hide salaries; he tried to keep the names of some positions private. Maybe you don't agree with that position, but at least report it accurately. Also, he has never tried to hide his distaste for the revenue cap. That's pretty transparent to me. Have you asked for the names of the people or are you just complaining that they weren't attached to the report? Do you put everyone's name in your group on every report you publish? Just wondering..... Facts can be found to support just about any side of any issue. Some of us realize that and can agree to disagree on the position without calling someone's character into the equation.

  10. Putting your name on anything in this town is suicidal if you want to keep your little job.

  11. Palmer you always twist things to make them suit the outcome you want. You are smart enough to understand a process and transparency. I am not a fan of Mr. Pollitt but I have heard him say several times he does not agree with the Revenue Cap, BUT the process he supports is if it removed ONLY by a grassroots effort by the people. I can also agree with that.

    Not sure what your problem is in wanting the best for our community, but it seems to me you just rant and rave without any viable solutions. Didn't you run for county council and the people spoke and said they didn't want the likes of you representing them?

  12. To 11:53 - Apparently, you haven't noticed your substantial property tax increases - that is of course unless you are a governmental employee.

  13. 2:35pm Please explain "substantial property tax increases." My property tax has decreased over the past two years. If yours have gone up, then you must live in one of those McMansions.

  14. The revenue cap needs to stay in place and Pollitt needs to grow up and stop raising taxes in this downturn.

  15. John Palmer Jr. VOICE member.October 14, 2013 at 4:12 PM

    Greetings Mr.Oct.14, 11:53 I'm so glad you took the time to respond to my rant. I knew you would because you just can't resist an opportunity to get a shot in anonymously. The main purpose of my rants is to put out information that would peak the interest of our citizens so that they will look into the topics I write about. in this case The Sage Report.One important point was that when the government wants to move their agenda along they will get some kind of a report that they can use as backbone and say "it wasn't my idea it was the reports". Now we'll see this again tomorrow night at the Civic Center with Mr. Pollitt's hand picked committee. You see, each time our government takes something away from us this is how it starts.So MR.11:53 I hope to see you and many other concerned citizens at the Tier Meeting tomorrow night at the Civic Center.


  16. Our County Executive's management style and policies are transparent to the same extent that he is anorexic.


  18. To 3:17 - Either you are an imbecile or you don't know how to do math. I can tell you that there hasn't been any property tax decreases in Wicomico County. The county assessment rate has gone up. Even if you property assessment has gone down - bottom line is you are paying more.

  19. To 5:11 - You are just to funny - and I like your analogy.

  20. There isn't a dumbocrat on the Eastern Shore that knows what transparency is! The only thing ever transparent for RP is his plate or glass!


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