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Tuesday, October 29, 2013

Democrats ‘Wholly Own’ Obamacare Catastrophe

Lawmaker: Failed effort to defund is now 'victory'

— The congressman from Texas has just the analogy for the GOP’s failed attempt to shutdown the government.

The Alamo.

“In every loss, there can be a victory,” Rep. Steve Stockman, R-Texas, told WND.

The congressman explained, just as the loss at the Alamo led to the creation of Texas, the losing battle to stop Obamacare has become a victory, because now the Democrats have to explain why their health care law has become such a disaster.

Stockman saw an irony, noting, “We wanted to delay, for one year, the individual mandate. And he (President Obama) shut the whole government down. He said, ‘I will not negotiate.’ Now, the Democrats are coming back and asking for the very thing that they refused to do when the Republicans were asking.”



  1. Democrats, Yes We Scam!

  2. But the won't explain they'll just keep digging. The old saying goes when in a hole, stop digging. But they can't or won't because that's just what they do. They don't know any better nor are the willing to ask for help.

  3. Yes, the democrats do own it. Make sure to rub it in the faces of every single democrat you come in contact with.
    Rub it in the faces and take it out by not voting for any local democrats after all they are responsible for so many layoffs at the hospital and others getting their hours cut due to obamacare. Of course those on a local level didn't have a thing to do with it, but they are just as guilty for not speaking out publically against it.

  4. Sadly, the Republicans will probably not take advantage of the situation as they should--Obamacare is a disaster in so many ways--financial, medical, personal (the info gathered), open for fraud and identity theft...yet here it is.


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