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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

Comment Worthy Of A Post 10-1-13

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Maryland State Police In A Jam For The Next Seven ...":

I cannot argue against the statements that our civilian employees (mechanics, dispatchers, secretaries) are being severely underpaid for the support work that they do; however, in a 17 year career, I have lost my annual step increase 7 times, and went backwards 2.5% once.

Those 7 missed (frozen) steps cost my family over $17,000 per year. Since my pension is based upon my base pay, my pension will be affected by roughly $1000/month for the rest of my life. Multiply that by the number of troopers who have worked and/or retired over the past 20 years, and you can see that Maryland is saving hundreds of millions of dollars on the backs of their dedicated employees! All the while our liberal-ass gov't pisses cash away on needle exchange programs, swamp purchases in the name of "wetlands conservation" and a broken Baltimore City school system, to name a few!

If you consider that Maryland has the highest average household income and the highest average housing costs in the Nation, and is in the three highest taxed states - we should be hemorrhaging cash! But alas, we are always crying poverty. How are your liberal votes serving you now, Marylanders?

Lastly, if you compare the starting salaries of MSP troopers as a percentage of the average housing costs, and average household incomes - and do the same for the other 49 states with State Police/Highway Patrols (Hawaii has neither) based on salary to cost ratios - Maryland troopers are the worst paid state police in the United States. Makes it hard to remain competitive in attracting the best candidates, doesn't it?


  1. Well said and so true! Glad you stood up and told the truth about the state of the State Police in Maryland. It is shameful!

  2. It's a disgrace that Owe Malley would target those that have such a dangerous job and who protect us well. These guys and ladies leave their family every day to protect us and that's what you get. Remember to not vote Democrat ever again. Look where it has gotten us!!!

  3. On the question Quote: How are your liberal votes serving you now, Marylanders?
    Answer #1 Liberals will accept no sensible/common sense reason to stop their chant, Obama, Obama, Obama!
    Answer #2 Those that drain the system/the FREE riders, do NOT read. If it's not on mindless TV or their best friend, the cell phone, they won't see what you have written, but if they did, they wouldn't take a single moment of their self indulgant brainless life, to try to understand the importantance of law enforcement, even though it is the only thing that stands between their perception of life vs the full scale anarchy the world wound know, if their were no one representing and upholding the good in this world, which is what law enforcement officers do every day.
    Answer #3 Those of us that do understand, champion what law enforcement does and what they deserve. We respect and voice our respect at every opportunity, just as I do now. You will know us easily, and we won't be found waisting our time, looking mindlessly at our cell phones, all day. We speak up as citizens for better pay and retirement for law enforcement and are sick about the waste of our tax dollars on the lazy deadbeats that drain those dollars. The welfare takers, the FREE lunchers, the corrupt politicans that only serve themselves. We understand and empathize with your plight. God bless Eddie Plank and all that continue to love him, as well all the thousands of others who have given their lives for our safety and well being, across our once great nation. We understand!

  4. I would have a hard time if one of my loved ones signed up for an MSP job because they put their life on the line with every stop they make. There are too many crazy people that would not think twice about killing a trooper. I respect the work they do and the time they give. If it was not for the devotion of troopers our lives would be a lot more in danger.

  5. Sorry, but the only thing protecting me is my rifle. I don't expect a trooper to be around when I need protection.

  6. Boo hoo.

    Im also a state employee and we saw our first COLA increase in nearly 7 years this January. No step, no COLA, nothing for almost 6 years.

    Cry me a river.

  7. Cry me a river.

    October 1, 2013 at 8:44 PM

    And that goes ditto for me. All you people complaining about no cola and whatever else, have you ever thought once about the people who have has no JOB or any money coming in for YEARS? It's really hard to fell bad for you guys when at least you have a job, a state job at that, and you're still not happy. Most people, I forget how many MILLIONS, who just like to have a JOB, let alone a raise. But you unfortunate slaves are still out there everyday writing speeding tickets for your masters. We really don't care. We have less money than you and you do your best to take that away. Sorry you lose out on an EXTRA 1,000 A MONTH, a lot of people would just like to HAVE a 1,000 a month. boo hoo

  8. Omalley is to blame period. All this casino revenue coming in yet the state is broke. Really Omalley has made Maryland one of the worst states to live in. He is President OhblaaBlaas minnie me. I am soo disapointed in this guy. As for the Troopers just look at what they are graduating from the academy because they are ordered to pass all. Hmmmmmmmmmmm recipe for disaster. I guess you do climb the promtion ladder and get paid. Only if your family contributes to O'Malley. Right Lt. Col. Jones


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