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Tuesday, October 01, 2013

CNN Poll Shows Media/Obama Losing Shutdown Battle

The con is on, folks.

Although a new CNN poll shows that across-the-board everyone will be blamed and damaged should the government shut down tomorrow, that is not the spin coming today from CNN or the rest of the left-wing media. Desperate to replay the '90s, even though today's poll says differently, the media are working together to terrify the GOP into caving when what we really have is a situation wherein Obama is going to be much more damaged than a Republican Party that doesn't have much to lose.



  1. let them feel the pain that we the people feel .

  2. the problem faceing our government it does not understand the House of Representatives is speaking for the majority of its citizens...the senate is not....

  3. Senators Mikulski & Cardin are cowards...I tried to call to demand Obamacare be stopped--such a bad law...they have messages that because of the government "shutdown" forcing them to now answer their phones so they can "help" people. Local offices have the same message, but still let you leave a message. I reminded them that they work for ME, not the other way around, and that I was very unhappy that my insurance premiums have DOUBLED.

  4. Let it crash, Obama care is a train wreck, and we will not stand for it.

  5. LOL 7:42! They are hiding from a lot of angry people. obamacare as expected and predicted has already turned into a huge cluster.
    Many who went online were ticked that they had to register to view premiums and most people actually thought it was going to be free.
    Anyone who is experiencing troubles needs and should call our local democratic legislators and give them hell. This was so ill planned it's turned into a comedy. The prudent thing to have done would have been to send letters a long time ago to every Marylander who files taxes explaining obamacare and the MD exchanges to them. Unfortunately we are ruled by democrats who lack in forward thinking skills.

  6. They couldn't explain the rules because they don't yet know what they will be!!


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