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Monday, October 07, 2013

Catholic Priests In Military Face Arrest For Celebrating Mass

The U.S. military has furloughed as many as 50 Catholic chaplains due to the partial suspension of government services, banning them from celebrating weekend Mass. At least one chaplain was told that if he engaged in any ministry activity, he would be subjected to disciplinary action.

“In very practical terms it means Sunday Mass won’t be offered,” Archbishop Timothy Broglio of the Archdiocese for the Military Services told me. “If someone has a baptism scheduled, it won’t be celebrated.”

The Archdiocese for the Military Services tells me the military installations impacted are served by non-active-duty priests who were hired as government contractors. As a result of a shortage of active duty Catholic chaplains, the government hires contract priests.



  1. Kind of makes sense! Shut Down means Shut Down. Go fishing!

  2. guess that means mochelle should cook her own meals instead of the chef. the government is not shut down obama is just having a hissy fit

  3. Gleaming example of why the establishment clause exists, and why our founding fathers were brilliant in setting up the separation of church and state.

    Once again, false forwarding of the fake meme of Christian persecution. This has zero to do with singling out or persecuting these catholic priests and everything to do with policy. If they were targeted BECAUSE they were catholic, then there would be a case... but it is not so. This forwarding of a false pretense is the kind of deceptive journalism we all need to expose as fraud when we see it.

  4. Founding fathers had things working good when handing over the government controls to the next generation.
    We the next generation screwed it up with our bleeding hearts and tree hugging mentality. one slight problem letting people not citizens vote. Not securing the borders letting in the non citizen voters.

  5. Were our founding fathers aware of the Catholic religion?

  6. 4:52 PM
    I don't know about Catholics, But the Founding Fathers defiantly knew how to run a profitable Plantation!

  7. This was policy, having nothing to do with the fact that they were catholic. News of this came out friday and it has been rectified.

  8. Does the same apply to other religions?


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