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Thursday, October 17, 2013

Caroline Farmers Give 110 Tons Of Produce To Maryland Food Bank

Fourteen Caroline County farmers donated 218,706 pounds — nearly 110 tons — of fresh produce this summer to the Maryland Food Bank’s “Farm to Food Bank” program.

Amy Cawley, a Maryland Food Bank food solicitor, said in her three summers with the program, Eastern Shore farmers alone have given 1.9 million pounds of produce, with more expected this fall after greens, broccoli and perhaps cauliflower have been harvested.

The Farm to Food Bank program operates statewide by partnering with farms to provide hungry Marylanders with fresh, local produce. Through a combination of field gleanings, donations and contract growing, the farms help the Maryland Food Bank supply produce to partner networks, and, ultimately, to families in need.



  1. Apparently these farmers don't have enough farming restriction.

  2. That supply will be needed sooner than anyone realizes.

  3. This is charity.
    It used to be voluntary.
    Now, the Government forces anyone that earns a living to support Acorn, Planned Parenthood, The Southern Poverty Law Center and every other liberal cause and voting block so they can continue to prop up their voting base with giveaways while promoting unethical and immoral lifestyles.

  4. We should find a way to tax that generous donation. Or, if they give us a large donation, too... we can look the other way.

    Democrats, and every government watchdog group. MOSHA and MDE.

    Where our policy is "Blackmail is the best mail"


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