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Sunday, October 06, 2013

BREAKING NEWS: Multiple Injuries Of Bicyclists And Motor Vehicle

Wicomico Station 11, (Powellville) has been called to assist Snow Hill on a MVC with multiple injuries involving bicyclists on Shockley Road. 


  1. Was'nt that some sort of cycling event for a charitable cause?

  2. Really? The thousands of bikes and road closures didn't clue the driver in!?

  3. Our experiences with the bikers is that they think they can hog the road and they put their own lives in danger by doing so. They should have road rules to abide by as motor vehicles do. We have been behind them trying to pass but they will ride 2 and 3 abreast and they don't seem to care. Sure hope there are no serious injuries during this ride.

  4. i understand they bring in alot of money, etc...but this is no reason for them not to obey traffic laws---i justed watched no less than 20 biker go past a stop sign some did not even look for cars

  5. I'd lay odds it was the idiot bicyclists fault. They're as bad as the pedestrians that want to walk right in front of you and 'dare' you to hit them.

  6. We need helmet laws!

  7. I think it's time to outlaw cars. It was a car that injured those bicyclists and not the driver.

  8. I was listening to the scanner and it took forever for powellville to scrape an ambulance crew together. They were constantly re-alerting for a driver. What happened to those hundreds of thousands of dollars paid to the Powellville VFC by the county?

    1. What hundreds of thousands of dollars?? This is wicomico county not Sussex county! Please explain...

    2. I Too Would Like To Know Where You Think That A Small Rural Fire Company Gets Hundreds Of Thousands Of Dollars. They Scrape Together A Crew From VOLUNTEERKS Crawl Back Under You Rock And Leave The Small Fire Companies Alone. And Yes I Too Can Not Stand this bike ride.

  9. Glad you mentioned pedestrians. You MUST stop your vehicle IF someone is IN the crosswalk. There's no law that states you must stop to allow pedestrians to walk INTO the crosswalks, as they seem to believe. Someone is gonna get hurt & it won't be a motorist at fault.

  10. Bicyclists are wearing out their welcome. Around here in W Fenwick they spent a ton of money putting in bike lanes and where do the fools ride their stupid bikes??? On the side roads, some of which have speed limits of 50mph and no shoulders. Roads were intended for cars and trucks-PERIOD!
    The jerks cry for bike lanes then use the roads without them and then when they get hit we are supposed to feel sorry for them for being so stupid.

  11. Helmet laws are not the solution. I think a combination of driver and cyclist awareness is the solution.

  12. Ok people. This is a ride that takes place once a year that many have trained long and hard for. Many of them have raised money for a good cause. There is only so much room on the road for cars and this many bicyclists. I agree that they might not always follow the rules but neither do motorists. Have a little patience, take a deep breath and may even consider cheering them on. I commend all the riders who were out there today.

  13. I saw them this morning taking the WHOLE lane. 2 or 3 across? Try 6-8. No lights. Good cause or not, use some damn common sense and courtesy.

  14. If this is a Salisbury event, keep it in Wicomico county / Salisbury area. Don't want or need thousands of these fools riding through the woods of Worcester county. They truly believe that they own the roads. How many we're transported by Worcester county EMS crews today?

  15. I think the event is great, but the cyclists need to excersise better judgement. We are not all here for the century .... To the majority of the folks around here , it is just another day .

  16. cyclist do not pay reg//insurance fees cars do....so o eyes the rules fools

  17. It may come as a shock, but the vast majority of cyclists own cars in addition to their bikes and therefore pay the same registration fees, road taxes, etc as you.

    1. But they're on bikes 4:36! Idiot.

  18. Who thought putting thousands of bikers on roads without bike lanes was a good idea? The county benefits in some additional tax money, but the business owners benefit most. Big surprise.

    1. All the while taxes go up 5:58. Doesn't help me one bit.


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