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Sunday, October 20, 2013

Black Mob Pounces On Young White Couple

Editors and readers of the New York Daily News want us to know that race had nothing to do with the ten black people who stopped a car and beat a young white couple in Brooklyn.

All the while yelling racial epithets.

“It’s not just a black and white thing,” reported the Daily News. “It’s stupid teenagers thinking they can do whatever they want.”

The attack happened Monday, Oct. 14, six days before it appeared in print in the Daily News.
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  1. The smart ones know what it is and we know it exists. We don't listen to the lame stream media we get our news from real news sources. we also know when the SHTF will happen.

  2. get a GLOCK and take out da trash.

  3. Why is it only hate crime crime when whites attack the other race. But never a hate crime when all the other races attack white people. Stupid f#@$ s.

  4. Dont put up with this CRAP.

  5. Where is Al Sharpscum.

  6. Just think; not too long ago Brooklyn,NY was made up of working class families with Irish, Italian, and Eastern European backgrounds. The area was kept clean and this type of nonsense was not tolerated AT ALL!! Now most of Brooklyn is made up of African-American, Latino, and South American drug daling trash that has turned the area to garbage. Boy, am I glad we “de-segregated” the neighborhoods and put forth “Affirmative Action” solely based on race; worked extremely well.

    Any more bright ideas.

  7. “It’s not just a black and white thing,” reported the Daily News. “It’s stupid teenagers thinking they can do whatever they want.”

    Hits it right on the head. This same group of 10 would have jumped a black couple just as easily. Those of you that are shocked or surprised by this simply haven't had the experience of growing up in places like N. Philly or Baltimore. Cut the race crap. These clowns need to be locked up period. It's not the time to turn it into a racial divide.

    1. Your a moron did you read the article. all the while yelling racial epithets.

  8. " A lot of readers were surprised the Daily News reported the story at all. However late. They also wanted to fill in a few blank spots:

    I remember the Bronx used to be like this back in the 1970′s. You’d drive through and pray to God you didn’t get a flat tire.

    I see we’ve come such a long way since then.

    Nearly 50 years of affirmative action and not one ounce of improvement. Instead of just free breakfast, free tutors, paying kids to do their own homework, free lunch and free dinner, welfare, free rent, free phones, free healthcare and getting into ivy league colleges with a C average, let’s figure out what other freebies we can possibly give this group to keep them from attacking us."

  9. White people better wake Up.

  10. Read today's NY Daily News. The NYPD is calling this a racial crime, and four people have been arrested.

  11. 8:42-It appears they already have.Check out the US prison population ratio.

  12. lmao at 9:07 why bother putting them in prison, we feed house and clothe them in and out of prison. Time for some more draconian measures!

  13. Just a teenage thing.....uh, right. I wonder what the paper would have reported if 10 white teenagers pulled a black couple out of their car and beat them while yelling "racial epithets". Just a teenage thing??


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