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Tuesday, October 15, 2013

ATF Tries To Block Fast And Furious Whistle-Blower From Publishing Book

The ATF agent who blew the whistle on Operation Fast and Furious has been denied permission to write a book on the botched anti-gun trafficking sting "because it would have a negative impact on morale," according to the very agency responsible for the scandal.

After first trying to stop the operation internally, ATF Agent John Dodson went to Congress and eventually the media following the death of Border Patrol Agent Brian Terry in December 2010. Two guns found at the murder scene were sold through the ATF operation.

Dodson's book, titled "The Unarmed Truth," provides the first inside account of how the federal government permitted and helped sell some 2,000 guns to Mexican drug cartels, despite evidence the guns killed innocent people.

Dodson, who is working with publisher Simon & Schuster, submitted his manuscript to the department for review, per federal rules. However, it was denied.



  1. Change the names and categorize it as fiction. The average educated person will catch on and those who don't would never have caught on to begin with.

  2. I believe that if this manuscript isn't published legally it will be stolen and published illegally.., at least that's what would happen for me.


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