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Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Another ObamaCare ‘Glitch’: $30B Blown On Non-Operational Medical Record System

The rollout of ObamaCare has been plagued by problems these past two weeks, as thousands complained they couldn’t sign up for coverage due to a deeply defective website.

But this process could have been easier if a nine-year, government-backed effort to set up a system of electronic medical records had gotten off the ground. Instead of setting up their medical ID for the first time, would-be customers would have their records already on file.

Unfortunately for patients -- and taxpayers -- the long-running project has produced tangibly few results despite costing the government, so far, at least $30 billion.



  1. LOL-Another "glitch?" Imagine that! TOLD YOU SO-you pathetically stupid Obama supporters! Your man's nothing but an incompetent nothing!

  2. That's just what you want, the federal government having instant access to your personal medical records. How soon before they determine that your health makes you a liability and either refuse to care for you, or grab the assets that you have acquired in life. This whole Obama health care b.s. is forced dependency on government, nothing less.

  3. Nothing in life is free, that includes Obamacare. The fools who voted him in are the same ones who think they're going to get something for nothing.


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