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Sunday, October 27, 2013

Another Comment Worthy Of A Post

Anonymous has left a new comment on your post "Today's Survey Question 10-23-13":

Albero, I wish too God Almighty someone would target you. The world and especially the shore would be a much better place.

Publishers Notes: I would never wish something like this upon ANY other human being. What a sad state we live in when someone out there would wish such a thing. More importantly, abuse our God Almighty. 


  1. Hpoefull, you have reported his URL and MAC address tot he proper people.

  2. It's Jimmy, Joe- he's upset because Lore's lawsuit will show him how his hissy-fits have consequences.

  3. Liberal progressives and their twit fits...

  4. I learned long ago that you never wish something on someone you wouldn't wish on yourself. It always comes back to get you 10 fold.
    We can now sit back and let karma take its course.

  5. Well, whoever it is educationally challenged, and can't figure out how to spell, so knowing how to be a Christian is obviously way over their heads...

  6. @3:52, good luck with that, your statement makes me wonder how you managed to get on the internet in the first place!

  7. "knowing how to be a Christian is obviously way over their heads..."

    Funny, I could say the same about most Christians.

  8. Joe, GOD loves you and the family.

  9. Joe,

    I've sent you plenty of links/articles via email, and I was a vocal supporter of your recent campaign. Trust me when I say, you are a breath of fresh air in this community. A breath this community needs! Just because you didn't win, don't for a second doubt your impact on this region. I haven't lived on the Shore in over a decade, but I come to Sbynews everyday to check up on my home away from home. Keep up the good work.

  10. I dare you to run again Joe.I double dare you.

  11. Bless you, Joe. That's from me. God has already done so for you and family!

  12. 4:35 Please, they had a space off by one! Jeeze! And 4:21, I wish you were right, but sometimes karma needs a little help!!

  13. Anon 4:29, I agree. We have too, to, two. Two is a number of items, to goes with an action, too means also. Oh well, so much for education in Wicomico County.

  14. I think that whoever made this comment is sorry now. Sometimes we say things in a fit of anger. I don't know which post this person was upset with. It's just a piece of news , think twice before printing such comments people.
    So many times I wanted to comment on the same with Obama. However , his day will come .
    Some of the post , which I consider my news now , scare people because they don't want to face the truth. They have been lied to by the MSM media and most have blinders on or just don't listen.

  15. It's either
    A) A "christian"
    B) A fire fighter
    C) Ireton


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