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Wednesday, October 30, 2013

A Comment Worthy Of A Post 10-30-13

lmclain has left a new comment on your post "NBC NEWS’ BOMBSHELL OBAMACARE REPORT DISAPPEARS DU...":

He (obama) KNEW he was LYING when he said "if you like your insurance plan, you can keep it". KNEW IT. Still lied. People wouldn't tolerate that from their children, family, or friends. But obama does it and gets cheered like Hitler at a Nazi rally.


  1. Obama has been lying for so long he doesn't know any better. When the Congressman from North Carolina called him a liar during a State of the Union address he was right. That was done from an Obama statement on Obamacare. How much more can the good and honest people of this Country take from a lying President.

  2. Lying is the ONLY thing Obama is proficient at. He's quintessential ghetto hustler-talks a big game but in the end has ZERO results to his name.
    He's the perfect example of why African American communities by and large are nothing but cesspools of crime and poverty, a place I wouldn't allow my dog to step foot in. After all these generations of lies they are too GD dumb to see the forest through the trees.
    If he is the best they have to offer as a leader then they deserve to continue wallowing in the filth of their communities.
    It's been said "you can't fix stupid" and this is the perfect example.


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