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Sunday, September 22, 2013

You Be The Judge

Here are 2 pictures attached showing 2 community service sentenced weekenders on the new program being instituted by the judges. As you see these 2 inmates are throwing gang signs which are "west-side" signs.
These inmates are not monitored according to the judges orders and rarely work. Mostly spend time on the cell phones or smoking which cellphones and cigarettes are supposed to be banned while they are serving their sentence.
Please post so we can ensure Wicomico County will enforce these inmates to serve their sentences accordingly.


  1. I bet that's not the only program not being monitored correctly at WCDC.

  2. So after this total screw up, you want me to be the judge!

  3. Judges are too liberal. Sentences too light. Not enough support for law enforcement when criminals get easy deals. Very disappointing.

  4. No surprise here over half after paroled are in my neighborhood, work release is just a fun time, I even hear it from the ones around here how they call everyone on supervisors cell phones or anyones they can use. The lost word here is "work" !

  5. The person who took these photos has no sense of humor.Actual gang members would be offended to see this bunch laughing while displaying gang signs.This shows how uneducated we are here on the shore regarding gang issues.

  6. @10:35, came here to say this. This is just trying to stir up trouble where there is none.

  7. You sure the hand sign does not stand for Wicomico county.

  8. 10:55
    I agree as well as agree to ignore him.

  9. Clowns are def not gang members. No tattoos. All this did is probably give these three a problem they didn't previously have.

  10. People that run this jail are ex- state of md employees. That should tell you a lot.Nothing will change.

  11. As a resident of the west side I can assure you our gang signs are much better than this! ROTFLMAO

  12. 10:35 I laugh at anyone in a "gang" in salisbury. It's like me being CEO of a lemonade stand.

  13. Dad? Is that you? Mom says it is! Don't be frontin' Dad!

  14. There have been a couple of retired state DOC people that worked there but left due to their utter frustration with the lack of inmate control in conjunction with dealing with unprofessional command staff, both uniformed and non-uniformed, that only wanted to appease the inmate population at all costs. The word "Corrections" should be taken out of this department's name and the department should be renamed the "Wicomico County Department of Hug-A-Thug". Incarceration at WCDC is an absolute failure because you can't "correct" when you continuously bend over backwards to appease. The administration treats any suggestion for inmate control as a threat. It's time to clean house and start running this place like a jail instead of a retreat.

  15. I woul like to see them cleaning the roads around here, why use our tax money to pay sub contrators to do it?

  16. 3:48pm,
    Oh please. Stop talking about state control. This place has always been inmate friendly since the day it open. Give the credit to that ole jail system of things.

  17. 4:33 - State control??? I don't think anything was said about state control. Actually he agrees with you.

  18. Called the "PETER PRINCIPAL" incompetence rises to the topSeptember 17, 2013 at 7:05 PM

    The Security Chief there has a poor History in the Prison system:
    1st: At M.C.I.J. in Jessup the FBI came in and confiscated all his Computers due to sexual harassment of a nurse who had a husband in the FBI...He sexual was involved with other workers there and some filled out complaints...
    2nd While at ECI he was termed for having knowledge of drug use and not reporting it after a MAJOR drug bust in Ocean City; almost implicating him in the ring.
    3rd: He is a known to be a racist + will discriminate at random...

  19. Thats what happens when jails are over crowded because theres some new law they make up every month!!! These guys are most likely serving time for back child support or some marijuana charge

  20. 5:08 pm,
    Check out the statement made by 1:23 pm.

  21. The Fruitland Public Works had an Inmate buying stuff from NAPA!

  22. Hug a thug is the philosophy in some school systems as well. It must the fault of the teachers and principals if the same kids lie, cheat, steal, disrupt, fight, bully and all the rest. Surely it can't be the fault of the students and their families.


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