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Sunday, September 22, 2013

With Crab Scarcity Comes Tough Decisions

WASHINGTON -- Next time you get a hankering for a Maryland crab cake, you better ask whether it's made with fresh crab meat.

Debbie Nelson, co-owner of Jerry's Place in Prince Frederick, says the supply of fresh crabs is thin.

"Maryland (crab) meat in particular, as delicious as it is, is really not as plentiful as some folks might think," she says. "Crabs are very scarce. Crabbers are pulling up empty pots."



  1. Seems like there was more crabs when places were dumping raw sewerage into the bay.

  2. 243-Yeah...solid Eastern Shore type thinking right there.

  3. 4:04
    If you don't like it on the Eastern Shore MOVE! I moved here to get away from idiots like you.

  4. Well, it's true, 4:04. Where do you think the best offshore fishing is? It's always near the end of the sewer outfall pipe.

  5. Crabs "ARE" Fatter near the Nuclear power plant sites. Their easier to find, they glow.

  6. 413-I was happy to leave the Shore. I left a decade ago, haven't looked back but to have some laughs! See how you folks raped the land, raped the clam biz, raped the crab biz, raped the striper biz. Only f'n yourselves!

    438-You must not do much offshore fishing. I own a World Cat, and probably am on larger offshore fish than you could have a wet dream about. But, keep fishing those sewer pipes, I assume you're fishing on the Wicomico?

  7. lol...enjoy your higher than national cancer rates, and keep slobbering over the Good ol' boys!

  8. Crabs ARE fatter near the discharge of a power plant, whether it's coal-fired, oil, gas or nuclear. BTW, the majority of manatees in North America live in the discharge canal of the Florida Power & Light plant in Port Everglades. So tell us how bad power plants are for the ecosystem. Go Ahead!

  9. Crab shortage? They should tell that to commercial companies they use female crabs in canning and Virginia makes it legal to catch female crabs.

  10. 5:36 pm You are talking about the World Catlike it's special! All they do is sink I personally know of 4 that have gone down in moderate seas. While I safely ride in on my 60 foot Carolina boat!

  11. Im from near the Prince Frederick area (live in Sby now) and think its cool to see a local place mentioned on here :D

  12. I have not seen a dip in crabs... I have caught my share every trip, and they're so much better than a store or restaurants.

  13. Nothing in this article agrees with its other sentences! It's all a bunch of hogwash. States its because there' too many crabs bunched together in the bay so the eat each other, yet the same reduction in numbers is happening all over the east coast. Which is it? Neither? There's plenty of crabs, the fishermen have all these articles on file from years ago and print them to boost prices before season ends, is all.

  14. -I was happy to leave the Shore. I left a decade ago, haven't looked back but to have some laughs!

    So, you're 12 now? Cool, one more year and you'll be a teenager.


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