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Sunday, September 22, 2013

What's This World Turning Into Any More These Days

Islamic schools in Britain forcing girls as young as 11 to wear full-face veils

Most Muslim schools in Britain - including around a dozen state-funded schools - require female pupils to cover their hair with burkas or wear full-face veils.



  1. Just a sign of slavery, like making people wear chains or a fleur de li, or having a number tattooed on your arm.

  2. Pay attention here...this will be the future of our school system...so get your daughters a burkas now....

  3. This is sickening and what do the mean state funded Islamic schools?

  4. The children in question or schools are Islamic oriented schools. The parents send their children there for a reason. I see no problem with a dress code/CAP if the PARENTS are willingly sending THEIR children there. Seriously, do you people flip out bc the poor kids at SFdS have to wear that awful gray color..?

    The article does stray to adults wearing them, but again, they are not being forced to, they have free will.

  5. they're crazy to do it

  6. They mean "government funded" just like we have here in the U.S. Our school systems are controlled and funded by the Federal and state governments and are doing basically the same things to our children (changing history, brainwashing, dumbing down, discriminating, and on and on.)

  7. 8:03 how can you compare the discrimination and suppression of females in the Muslim culture to having to wear a catholic school girls uniform? Females have no choice in if they want to wear a burqa or not. No woman would ever want to have this type of abuse inflicted on them.


  9. government schools are introducing muslim ways and culture into the common core standards right now. do you understand what I just said??? this is CURRENTLY in the Maryland government schools NOW.

    why in the hello do you still have your children in these schools? yes this is in ALL public/government schools in Maryland.

    since there may be a run on burkas when they tell your girls they have to wear them; go to burkas.com to get yours now.

    honestly if you still have your children in these schools. SHAME on you.

  10. 952..It is very easy to compare. THEIR parents, the people who are in charge of them, chose to send them to a private (or public in the UK) schools for a reason. As we know, most private schools have a uniform policy. It is really a no brainer..I personally love SFdS, but despise their choice in uniforms.
    It is really not up to to approve or not. I don't see people freaking out over CAP...
    The article did not state that public schools her in American are making kids wear full face veils....
    Get a grip people.

  11. 12:16 you don't get it....the adult females in the muslim culture don't have a choice either! If you don't see the burqa as a form of control and degrading someone based on their sex you have serious issues. Why don't male children have to cover their face?

  12. 1253, this bothered me so much I called a friend in the UAE to get her opinion. She is a professional and married with 5 children. This is her thought...I am also the original poster.

    Most women in her faith chose to wear the Hijab even in the US. There are certain areas of the world, that chose the Burqa. She does not consider one to be better or "more holy" than the other. She stated that most westerners don't understand the modesty that women of her faith believe in. Heck, I have even argued with her about it before I educated myself on it. I too believed that her husband made her wear it...but again I was told totally not true. BTW, she has the most beautiful head of hair you can imagine..

    I can only argue that it is not up to me or you to decide what families of a certain faith wear. To each their own.

  13. I am glad that your friend is allowed the choice as to wear the hijab or burqa....many are not. Another reason for the burqa is so that the man doesn't lust after the women which is also a slight to men meaning that they can't control themselves. In muslim culture men are considered superior to women. If you truly want to educate yourself about this go ahead and start searching this topic.....there are thousands of examples of female suppression.

    Here are some things to get you started....
    Farzana Bibi
    Sushmita Banergee
    Quran 4.34

    Yes is is up to you and me to decide what people of other faiths wear when it is abusive to someone based on their sex.

  14. Here, we have freedom of religion, not freedom from religion. If your religion's activities observe US law concerning murder, torture or any unlawful acts, then feel free! Wear the burka! (idiot) Do whatever, Just don't shove it in my face. There's another law against that, and I WILL PROSECUTE.

  15. The English were pansy socialists way before our country got Obamanated. Now they are overflowing with Obama's buddies. They are getting what they deserve, we still have a chance here, 1/2 the people don't want to go the way of England. Still a house divided will eventually fall.

  16. Anonymous said...
    12:16 you don't get it....the adult females in the muslim culture don't have a choice either! If you don't see the burqa as a form of control and degrading someone based on their sex you have serious issues. Why don't male children have to cover their face?

    September 21, 2013 at 12:53 PM


    These brain dead liberals are ruining our country.

  17. September 21, 2013 at 1:32 PM

    You still don't get it do you!

  18. The State has no business sponsoring ANY religious school. And, in particular any religion as belligerent and intolerant as Islam.


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