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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Upbeat O’Malley, Downbeat Franchot At Opposite Ends On Md. Economy

At the hot high-tech end of the Maryland economy Thursday, Gov. Martin O’Malley was cutting a ribbon to open a spiffy renovated building for cybersecurity firm Accuvant in Elkridge and hoping that Friday’s employment figures would show Maryland had regained all the jobs it lost since 2008.

Seven miles away at Paul’s Restaurant in Arbutus, Comptroller Peter Franchot was addressing representatives of not-so-hot legacy businesses and talking about “a sluggish economy” with “very poor wage growth” that led to Tuesday’s write-down of state revenue estimates for next year.

O’Malley’s glass was more than half-full, and Franchot’s glass needed a refill.



  1. Why am I still unemployed and there are no jobs, Martin?

  2. They need to really like to get rid of this so-called Governor once and for all....This guy is a frigging disaster....

  3. Worlds apart, they must be. My hours have been cut as well as everyone else at work, and I'll be lucky if I'm not back on unemployment by January.

  4. If you are over 50 years old and still unemployed, we would need to start looking for a sturdy cardboard box to call home.


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