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Saturday, September 21, 2013

Travel Channel’s Hotel Impossible To Feature OC’s Lankford On Monday

OCEAN CITY — A proud Ocean City Boardwalk hotel dating back nearly 90 years will get its moment on the national stage on Monday when it is featured on national television after a literal and figurative facelift over the summer.

The Lankford Hotel and its associated cottages and apartment buildings situated around 8th Street and the Boardwalk opened in 1924 and has been owned and operated by the same family for nearly nine decades spanning several generations. While the hotel has retained its early 20th century charm and has attracted many of the same visitors each summer for decades, the facility has found it difficult to compete with the newer, more modern Ocean City and its sparkling hotel chains with the latest amenities, particularly in the often tough shoulder seasons.


1 comment:

  1. I'm so glad the old landmark is being saved.


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