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Friday, September 20, 2013

The Republican Replacement

As polls highlight the American public’s uneaseabout President Obama’s signature health-care law, House Republicans on Wednesday introduced legislation to repeal and replace it completely with a plan of their own.

The bill, called the American Health Care Reform Act, is the product of a health-care working group convened by Representative Steve Scalise (R., La.), chairman of the 175-member Republican Study Committee (RSC).

“I think we’ve done a very effective job of pointing out all the things that are bad about the president’s health-care law, but people want to know what we stand for as well,” Scalise told reporters during a briefing at the National Review office on Capitol Hill. “The public, as they get more angry about the existing law, they are going to want to have something else to put in its place.”


1 comment:

  1. Okay-So now the defund obamacare bill has passed in the House. In light of the AGH official publically saying obamacare is the reason for local layoffs it's time for our local politicians to step up.
    This goes esp for the democrats. They need to call Cardin and Milkulski and tell them to vote to defund because it's hurting our economy.
    Time for all of them (local dem politicians) to gets their heads out of omalley butt and start worrying about those they represent.
    This goes for all our state reps and local dem reps. Call Cardin and Mikulski and urge them to vote to defund immediately and then report to the media that you have done so.


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