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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Real Lesson Learned From Monday's US Navy Yard Tragedy

Allen West
The real lesson learned from Monday's US Navy Yard tragedy is that we have turned our military installations into gun-free zones, a free-fire area for an attacker. As in Ft. Hood, once an assailant breaches the perimeter security checkpoint they are in a target-rich environment of unarmed and defenseless uniformed service members and civilians. A Clinton-era Executive Order made this possible, so now what should be the safest place is in fact a kill zone. Let us not forget that 30 years ago 238 Marines lost their lives in Beirut because the ROE did not allow them to have weapons loaded, even at the security checkpoint. The response times at Ft. Hood and the Navy Yard were 10 and 7 minutes respectively...and in both cases the assailants were shot by civilian law enforcement, not military. Our enemies are watching.


  1. Sit down clown! Really? An executive order, created 20 yrs. ago, made these loonies go on a spree? And you wonder why the general public (non partisan ideologues) won't take your political critiques seriously.

  2. Anonymous said...
    Sit down clown! Really? An executive order, created 20 yrs. ago, made these loonies go on a spree? And you wonder why the general public (non partisan ideologues) won't take your political critiques seriously.

    September 18, 2013 at 8:16 PM

    Chuck Cook why don't you go back to blowing Ireton and stay off this blog. You are the clown.

  3. Congressman West always stays on top of the issues and he speaks the truth.

  4. No gun zones, no matter who's administration or whatever brought them about, are perfect sites for a mental patient to carry out a mass murder.

    You can blame whoever, but mentally ill people need to be addressed when today the are obviously are not, and this is why this crap happens.

  5. Congressman West always stays on top of the issues and he speaks the truth.

    September 18, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Not in this case. Mr. West is mistaken.

  6. Mental health is at the heart of this issue. Can we stop talking about guns yet?

  7. Obama planned these murders...Impeach himSeptember 19, 2013 at 1:04 AM

    I see a bunch of Obama lovers here responding

  8. The point West is making is if somebody other than this psycho had been armed, he would have been taken down before he could murder 12 people and wound others.

  9. nobody said this exec. order made these people go on a spree. but because of it, it's easier for the loons to reek their havoc. at the Navy yard the perp was down in 1/2 hour. But look what havoc he reeked in that time. one concealed carry weapon could have cut down on the damage. maybe not entirely, but considerably

  10. 8:16 - You are just a RACIST!!!!!

  11. So, Aurora, Boston, Ft Hood, This one, Gabbie Giffords, Sandy Hook, none of these were gun free zones attacked by mentally ill people?

    Okay. Gee, you must be right...

  12. 8:16 You are an idiot. Read 6:41. That's what West is saying.

    7:02 You are also an idiot. Nobody is comparing the military base incidents to the civilian area incidents. One has nothing to do with the other. Moron.

  13. Just for the heck of it,try expressing your own personal opinion in a comment without even reading anyone else's comment.Submitting a comment about another comment doesn't accomplish a thing.We want to hear what YOU think about the subject matter at hand,not what you think about another comment.

  14. 11:02
    Joe turns away so many comments because they are inappropriate. Trust me, you don't want this to actually happen.

  15. Anonymous said...
    Congressman West always stays on top of the issues and he speaks the truth.

    September 18, 2013 at 8:48 PM

    Not in this case. Mr. West is mistaken.

    September 18, 2013 at 10:59 PM

    I bet you voted for Obama.

  16. "We want to hear what YOU think about the subject matter at hand,not what you think about another comment." Who's 'we', 11:02? Personally, I'm interested in perspective and rebuttal, and appreciate the forum.

  17. I bet you voted for Obama.

    September 19, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    Well stupid, you lost another bet. What obammy or voting for him has to do with this eludes me, perhaps you could explain.

    As has been repeatedly pointed out, it was not clinton who instituted any disarming on bases.

    You and others are just so full of hate and ignorance you just ignore facts that do not support your fantasies, and resort to the same old name calling and insults.

    You should really choose your words more carefully. You make morons look bad.

  18. Anonymous said...
    I bet you voted for Obama.

    September 19, 2013 at 3:11 PM

    Well stupid, you lost another bet. What obammy or voting for him has to do with this eludes me, perhaps you could explain.

    As has been repeatedly pointed out, it was not clinton who instituted any disarming on bases.

    You and others are just so full of hate and ignorance you just ignore facts that do not support your fantasies, and resort to the same old name calling and insults.

    You should really choose your words more carefully. You make morons look bad.

    September 19, 2013 at 5:29 PM

    Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.

    You did vote for Obama it is obvious with your comments. You are the one full of hate and ignorance and calling someone a moron.

    If it wasn't Clinton who disarmed the bases then who did? You are quick to defend Clinton aren't you. Yep, you are a Democrat.

  19. Liar, Liar, Pants on Fire.

    You did vote for Obama it is obvious with your comments. You are the one full of hate and ignorance and calling someone a moron.

    If it wasn't Clinton who disarmed the bases then who did? You are quick to defend Clinton aren't you. Yep, you are a Democrat.

    September 22, 2013 at 3:48 PM

    Shut up stupid. you are too far behind on the issues to talk to. Do your own research.

  20. How many go to a doctor or hospital ER or see a therapist with a deteriorating mental health condition, only to be turned a way or not get the medical treatment they needed?

    It is the mental health system, the laws and the medical profession that should be held responsible, is not and will not.


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