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Sunday, September 22, 2013

The Daily Pravda Wrong Again!

Dateline: Daily Pravda story regarding the “class of 1963” states this was the largest class in Wico’s school history. Wrong; my class of 1965 was the largest class. Pravda screws up once again...

UPDATE: I should have stated in original email that Stump took the story from a few of the members of class of 63. he just didn’t fact check. there are other facts that are wrong as well. for instance the comment regarding Parkside as one of the reasons that class was “the largest”. Parkside wasn’t in the picture at that time; only Bennett in 66.


  1. Perhaps you should go back and read the article again. The article concerns WI HI Class of 1963 and before, not Class of 1964 and later.

    "They were the last graduating class of Wi-Hi."

    "Before there were Bennett and Parkside high schools, there was just Wi-Hi."

    "According to the 1963 graduation program, 335 students got their high school diplomas that year"

  2. Stump has always made liberal use of "literary license".

  3. I think he also called Watson's Smoke House, "Watkins". I didn't think that sounded right.

  4. Info. Bennett opened in 1964 with a sophomore class. The first split graduation class between Wi Hi and Bennett was in 1966. So the largest ever graduating class of Wi Hi was in 1964. Integration began in 1956 as The Salisbury School was still operating as a segregated black school.

  5. In my research; the last class to graduate from WiHi before Bennett's first graduating class was 1965. In addition this was the largest single graduating class in Wicomico County history (414 students). As far as I know we still hold this title.

    I believe we were the first integrated class in Wicomico County. We had 2 black students in the class of 65; Nathaniel Everett and Silfille Kelsaw (Sibby).

    Parkside came much later and Bennett's first graduating class was in 1966. When Bennett opened the upperclassmen only went up to sophomores.

    I hope this clears this topic up. Again; Wi-Hi (1965) still holds the title for the largest graduating class ever in Wicomico County.

  6. I like Brice's stuff! He's one of the last "old school" writers that have valuable stories to write. When you read him, you are reading real reporting; as opposed to the flash articles the newbies want to make headlines with. Keep up the good work, Brice! Nobody else is doing it!

  7. 9:07, I agree with you 100%. I look forward to his writings each week. in this case he took the info from some of the class of 63 and unfortunately some of the info was incorrect.


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