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Sunday, September 15, 2013

Syrian Rebel Admits Using Chemical Weapons


  1. We're supposed to believe who? The Assad regime and the Russians? Rebels? Our gov't?

  2. Anyone with common sense can see this is Radical Muscum in Syria "AKA FSA" setting up the Syrian government.

  3. 525-You mean the Syrian gov't that has people in concentration type camps, and has for the last year? 100K civilians, including children killed? Assads are horrible, don't let your blind hatred for Obama change your perception on that regime. They were horrible for the last 40 years, except the USA was too busy trying to kiss their @ss than anything else.

  4. Do you think our Muslim CIA director has shown this to our Muslim President?

  5. Anonymous said...
    525-You mean the Syrian gov't that has people in concentration type camps, and has for the last year? 100K civilians, including children killed? Assads are horrible, don't let your blind hatred for Obama change your perception on that regime. They were horrible for the last 40 years, except the USA was too busy trying to kiss their @ss than anything else.

    September 11, 2013 at 5:50 PM

    What makes you think he hates Obama? You are an idiot that can't think for himself and will fall on a sword for Obama so you are extremely paranoid.

  6. But, but, but Obama said it was the Syrian government that used the chemical weapons.

  7. 5:50-Pres Assad is in the same predicament as both Mubarak and Gaddafi. These so called concentration camps you speak of housed/houses terrorists. Syria as well as Egypt and Libya (pre Obama meddling) are/were secular countries. These so called "dictators" learned how the islamists had to be controlled otherwise the country's would end up just like Iran when the so called free fighters uprooted the Shah. Anyone remotely knowledgeable in Middle Eastern/Arab affairs knows this. Please read up on the region because you are unfamiliar with it and just passing on Obama propaganda who is unversed and comes across as quite ignorant with this region.

  8. Thank you 6:20. Assad is no angel, but he is far better then the radical jihadist's our government is funding, training, and injecting into Syria for almost 3 years now. It's the same pattern over and over. The US has funded regime changes to destabilize for almost 100 years that I'm aware of. Provide the radicals with money, weapons, training, drug routes, and political power. Syria, Libya, Egypt, Iraq, Iran, Saudi Arabia, Venezuela, Sudan, Georgia, Panama, Grenada, Guam, Puerto Rico, China, Nicaragua, Mexico, Haiti, Dominican Republic, Virgin Islands, Russia, Korea, Lebanon, Cuba, Brazil. No wonder we're seen as world bullies.

  9. there will be wars and talks of war , get right with GOD people.

  10. All these "dictators" were doing is keeping the jihadists in line. Muslims, Christians, Jews lived in peace in these countries. Only those persecuted were the radical islamists. If so many were concentrated in the US, they would have to be controlled otherwise chaos would prevail.


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