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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Solar Activity Drops To 100-Year Low, Puzzling Scientists

LONDON: Predictions that 2013 would see an upsurge in solar activity and geomagnetic storms disrupting power grids and communications systems have proved to be a false alarm. Instead, the current peak in the solar cycle is the weakest for a century.

Subdued solar activity has prompted controversial comparisons with the Maunder Minimum, which occurred between 1645 and 1715, when a prolonged absence of sunspots and other indicators of solar activity coincided with the coldest period in the last millennium.



  1. Just like "climate change" people need to realize that our planet is always in a cycle. That cycle may change slightly, year to year, but it's a cycle... same with our sun, moon, and the reason we are all here... our solar system. You can't predict the day to day, year to year, but it is consistently inconsistent. Deal with it.

  2. It may be in a cycle but theirs nothing to prove we are not affecting that cycle through our actions.

  3. Consult your local American Indian.

  4. 10:01 You mean to tell me that our actions here on Earth determine how the Sun reacts? What planet are you from? Whatever you're smoking, I want some.

  5. @1035, oh boy that joke never gets old. If you're going to act like a fool at least be original.

    I never said our actions have an effect on the sun, just the climate.

  6. 10:43
    ok so this story is about the sun. please do your research and i believe you will find that your friends have been cooking the books. i do not believe that anyone has said that we do not need to be good stewards but we have been lied to for some time. now we are destroying the coal industry because of a lie.

  7. Good to see so many climatologists chiming in! The truth is,it's in gods hands,not ours.Sorry if I bursted anyones bubble.

  8. @10:43, I disagree but I appreciate the a reply that doesn't include name calling, a nice change for this site.

    I was simply replying to the first comment. Both sides of the argument are full of fabrications and that's the truth. However I'm inclined to think we are having a larger impact then we believe, it will just take a longer time period to show this since it is on such a large scale.

  9. Wow. This article makes me think that the sun might affect how warm our planet is. And all this time I thought it was carbon. Does that mean we don't have to give all of our money to the elite who have been granted carbon exchanges?

  10. @11:30,
    Good point! We better keep Ra, the sun god happy, and Poseidon god of the deep, pleased as well if we want to keep this planet in shape!

  11. 9:56 AM, totally right.

  12. Dang, and I just bought all those solar panels...


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