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Sunday, September 22, 2013

Salisbury Council Vice President Laura Mitchell Travels To College Park For Graduation Ceremony


  1. This mooch will go anywhere. No doubt at taxpayers expense too.

  2. she like the rest of them on knowing how to work the system, she must follow her partner as well. Section 8 housing and food stamps plus what she gets from the City of Salisbuy for doing nothing, she might not even claim that as income...........

  3. notice it is for the school of public policy, this would be the degree whee you are taught what public policy is supposed to be. ie liberal socialist policy

  4. yeah 10:46 like how to "community organize" and crap like that is what they "teach." She's be good at it. She's experienced at sponging and mooching.

  5. Is there now "travel allowance" in the disability fund?? Can't work, but CAN do political work and travel around...there aren't any jobs that only ask you to sit at a desk, talk, and push paper??? Oh right. That would put an end to her free housing, medical care, free electric, and on and on and on...milking taxpayers, scamming the system, and STEALING. And does anyone wonder where all the SSI funds are going? I see people who, because they WORKED for forty-years, get $400-500 a month in SSI. She should wear a bag on her head to hide her shame, but thieves, liars, and cheats (yeah I said it) know no shame...I DID notice that being on welfare allows one to dress in the latest fashion.

  6. Who in their right mind would ever hire her???
    Her support of Obama speaks volumes as to her intelligence level, reasoning and forward thinking skills. She's brainwashed and easily falls for propaganda. She is not employable.

  7. If liberals had to pay their own way most of them would die. She does nothing but steal from honest, hard-working, taxpaying citizens. Don't be fooled, the taxpayers are the ones who paid for this "certificate" not Mitchell. She used our funded travel allowance money, our funded gas money, and our money to buy this. Her only employable abiltiy is the ability she uses to steal from others.

    Pure trash.

  8. Plus her judgment is poor. Look who she married. Fired not once but twice from jobs for the same exact offense from what I heard.

  9. "NEWS," really? Please, this is just Mitchell's political posturing.

  10. Anonymous said...
    Plus her judgment is poor. Look who she married. Fired not once but twice from jobs for the same exact offense from what I heard.

    September 16, 2013 at 4:17 PM

    What is it you heard? Please inform us!!

  11. I got the same certificate and press release, but had no desire to pretend I was somebody. That certificate means absolutely nothing.


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