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Saturday, September 14, 2013

Republicans Move To Halt ObamaCare 'Bailout' For Angry Unions

Capitol Hill Republicans are trying to stop the Obama administration from offering labor unions a sweetheart deal on ObamaCare, as the White House tries to quell a simmering rebellion from Big Labor over the health care law.
President Obama and White House officials reportedly have called union leaders to try and persuade them to tone down their complaints, pledging an accommodation. The AFL-CIO, though, on Wednesday approved a resolution anyway calling the law "highly disruptive" to union plans.

But reports have surfaced on a plan that would give union workers -- and only union workers -- subsidies to help pay for health insurance even if they're covered through their job. The purported "carve-out" could soothe the simmering discontent within Big Labor. The loyal Democratic supporters and early champions of ObamaCare say they have been slighted by the act’s final regulations, which they say is pushing some employees into part-time work and threatens their health insurance plans.

At least three congressional Republicans are trying to stop any effort to give the unions special treatment, which could cost $200 billion over 10 years.



  1. Well, it's the unions that bought and paid for the politicians to vote for Obamacare, so they own it. We, the people who read the bill and shouted "NO" from every rooftop, did not pay politicians to vote either way. So, what's bad for the goose is bad for the gander. The unions need to STFU, or move to abolish Obamacare. Use your union dues for good for a change.

  2. Will Obama not stop at anything to get his way? The law must be defunded in it's entirety. Look what is already doing to employment right here on the Shore. PRMC loosing many people. Many companies going to part time. Local tax revenues falling. More debt to local Governments. Stand up people and call your Representatives. But forget calling any Democrats because they don't listen or care about what you think!

  3. If we do not HANG together...we will be HANGED separately ...Benjamin FRANKLINSeptember 14, 2013 at 5:05 PM

    correct 9:52 AM comments:


    and call the House speaker at:

    202-225-6205 and press #2 after listening to John's intro message..


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