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Sunday, September 22, 2013

PRMC Lays Off Another 58 People

It has been confirmed that an additional 58 people lost their jobs today at PRMC. 


  1. True or false, police are stationed at all doors entering from outside.

  2. remember people if you lose your job thank a Democrat .

  3. Hate to see anyone lose their jobs....just remember if you voted Democrat!

  4. This will be a hit to the Eastern Shore's economy. Housing and supporting jobs will soon take a hit too!

  5. Nice to see their "reason" is the cutting of beds they are licensed for.... keep this in mind next time you wait in the ED for 5 hours for a bed to open up upstairs.

  6. Next time you idiots will vote Republican.

    1. the sad thing is they won't learn their lesson will still vote Democrat .

  7. Joe Albero as a Republican Mayor would have worked hard with PRMC to prevents these lay offs.

  8. I'm going to Atlantic General

  9. Thank those responsible for the Affordable Health Care Act. This is happening nationwide, not just a local problem.
    Thank our commander in chief and the dums..uh.. dems.

  10. Yes blame a political party for everything that is wrong and like the staples easy button it will be fixed. This is just another alert that the eastern shore is sinking fast. It will be a long winter for shore and things will continue to slip away.

  11. I hate to see what the care will be there now----for sure it's never been good when I've gone in!
    It's wise to have someone stay with you most of the time while in there, believe me!!

  12. Why doesn't Naleppa take a cut in her $800,000 salary?

  13. Hopefully is was a bunch of those lazy, gossiping nurses. Many are great but there are a bunch that if gone would make it a much nicer place. Eat good, drink plenty of water, get the sleep you nee, exercise and there would be less patients at the hospital.

  14. Was this because of the shut down of the program that found care housing for homeless patients being released?

  15. 200 total being layed off.

  16. Actually 12:34 it's not just the Eastern Shore. Laws trying to protect citizens (don't pay your bill we can't raise your rates, minimum wage increases, ACA -Obamacare-, and the like have frozen spending, frozen hiring, grabbed recession out of the jaws of recovery, have created economic doldrums everywhere. As more of ACA becomes implemented jobs - especially in healthcare - and the economy are gping tp get slaughtered much more than a measly 58 jobs at PRMC.

  17. how do you think it will go? when people go in for check ups and come out with staph infections, I would say that is just the beginning...

    Just thank the board members who get to line their pockets...

    As I hate to see people lose their jobs, I say GOOD... that is for all the people who told me and everyone else who said this was coming where tin foil hat people...

    Whos wearing the hat now? yeah, you all thought that this wouldn't affect you so you didn't care, NOW IT DOES AND NOW YOU SUDDENLY CARE...

    Welp, as I said before and I will gladly say again, I TOLD YOU SO!!! you were wrong I was right, as usual...

    Let this be a reminder to you dumb asses out here, some people, like me actually know what they speak of and by ignoring the problem until it affects you shows you what will happen... you get burned like the rest of us... Also, let this be a reminder that maybe, just maybe oneday you will learn to listen and STFU and ban together with the people talking what you called was smack...

    Question for you dumb asses out here: What does it mean, when the person who you call a conspiracy theorist, yet has prove of said events, shares said events and turns out to be proven right all the while you bad mouth them and jaw jacked?

    Answer: It's not a conspiracy if you can see it, live it, and can prove it... That is called REALITY!!!

  18. Don't choose the ROBO surgery. Too many patients die because the people who run it are not trained well enough to use it. there are 4 pending law suites against PRMC.
    Stay healthy and call your local witch doctor.

  19. We can't survive without borrowed money anymore,when banks clammed up,were only going down.

  20. Is this in addition to those let go yesterday?

  21. So.. Who was laid off? What departments we hit?

  22. Its not a matter of voting Dem or Rep, but vote SMART.

  23. I heard they fired someone from Radiology only because they thought she was the one who was leading info to Salisbury News. I heard she was told by her boss to ask Joe Albero for a job. Well guess what Peggy and Mary Lou, YOU FIRED THE WRONG PERSON BECAUSE IT'S ME. I don't feel sorry for the person you sacked, lazy bum, but like usual you always get the wrong person every time.

  24. This just makes me sick. Every time someone is laid off the whole local economy suffers from the retailers to a drop in housing prices.
    This is due to Obamacare and across-the-board changes in Medicare payment formulas for a variety of Medicare providers, including hospitals, nursing homes, home health agencies, and hospice agencies.
    Don't let anyone tell you the Medicare cuts were implemented to curb waste, fraud and abuse.
    That is inaccurate and anyone who says this is either intentionally lying or grossly uninformed.

  25. And Peggy Naleppa becomes the first president in the history of the organization to ever preside over a bona-fide layoff.

    The very first. Congratulations Boss Hogg! What a legacy. Virginia Layfield saved the hospital. Alan Newberry led it into a new era that was -- until you took over -- financially secure. And now you have torn a hole in the fabric of the community you serve.

    "Boss Hogg" is the perfect moniker for you.

    I wonder if the board is happy they terminated Alan Newberry's agreement early now? Did you get your money's worth? What say you Leighton Moore, Marty Neat, Ed Urban, Murray Hoy, Farouk Sultani?

    Props to Adrienne Naleppa, who kicked off all of this for the benefit of Boss Hogg by playing the board for fools when she posted on Facebook that her mother was interviewing with interested hospitals lo those many years ago.

  26. I understand they are planning on closing PRMC and make it section 8 HOUSING for the Obama-Knights...

  27. Adrienne Naleppa also should be thanked for finding all the new doctors to the area their homes. I'm sure she made a nice commission on those sales. U wish that car in Italy would've finished the job back in the early 2000's

  28. What about the docs? Have they been affected by all these going ons at the hospital?

  29. http://www.peninsula.org/body.cfm?xyzpdqabc=0&id=35&action=detail&ref=757 shows the planned $18 million dollar renovation. I am sure that more to do with the layoffs than Obamacare or the local economy.

  30. I have a different possible take on the hospital. I assure you that I am a conservative and business owner. Is it possible that the hospital is way over staffed and has been for years. I mean if we remember the economy under bush was good with low unemployment and everything was cheaper. These cut backs are because of less money coming into the hospital due to Obamacare reimbursements. I do feel patient care will be less but more because of overall morale and not because of lack of staffing. My insurance rates have gone up double digits every year even before Obamacare so may hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies have just been soaking us all along. It seems like one big vicious circle. ON a side note Salisbury state is the same, buying up all the landing, building like crazy, and raising tuition. Eventually you get priced out of the market and things collapse. Just a thought

  31. So..everyone had 2 days PPT taken away to "avoid" layoffs....well since people are being laid off do the ones that have jobs get their 2 days back?

  32. Great question! Please confirm that was the story the hospital gave you when they took your vacation days? Or maybe I should say please tell me they didn't use that excuse.

    1. Nobody voluntarily gave up vacation days. It just "happened".... to avoid layoffs.

  33. So, who got the axe today? Was Peggy's son-in-law included? And if not,why. He has no real tenure with the hospital. I am sure that one of the laid off employees with much more time could do his job. Looks like nepotism is an accepted practice at PRMC. And yes readers, two days of vacation were taken away from the workers in order to avoid layoffs.Another lie from the CEO,COO, and vice-presidents.

  34. IF you have that you have given up 2 days of leave to prevent layoffs then you need to file a grievance or suit. Go away from here to find an attorney.

  35. Wait an minute!!!! Could all of this be some grand plan of Peggy's who might be being paid by some other entity to bring down this facility.

  36. 5:46 I work with Larry. He is actually a hard worker, and also a nice person. I have worked in that department for many years, and I must say that this is by far the best shape our stockroom has been in during my time there. He is efficient and organized, and not arrogant as some have suggested in some of the comments.

  37. 5:46. Please don't get me wrong me wrong because I know why Peggy's son-in-law is where he is, nepotism. But he shouldn't be the one to blame, it should be the anal kissing idiots that hired him and that was Laura McIntyre and Scott Phillips from Materials Management. Of course, he was going to go for a do nothing job after delivering floors & stirring paint.
    What about all the meetings the hospital has to save money on supplies & equipment? Where's the savings? Wasn't their a Value Analysist position created just to save the hospital money? Why not get rid of all the people that had jobs created just for them because of who they know? That would save quite a bit of money.

  38. Take s long look at the comments on this post..... All the finger pointing by you Johnny Know nothing's wont change a thing. Salisbury like the entire eastern shore has itself to blame. The area has been in decline for at least 10 years. The companies who left taking jobs with them, ask most young people who go away to college if they will be back..... Most will say not. You can't base your economy on tourism or farming as neither will support an entire area. The problem is now that's really all that's left, people aren't moving here or bringing more GOOD paying jobs . The eastern shore needs to find s New way to operate of the outlook is bleak. Pointing fingers and acting like children won't fix it.

  39. Let me tell you something 7:24. PRMC and their management went into this community and sold us a bill of goods and took our hard earned dollars to build this institution that is becoming a White Elephant. Who do I blame, those on the board of trustees who have made their fortune on our backs and are making decisions to tear this community apart. Do you get it now? And BTW, I don't give a damn whether the likes of you get it or not. You are obviously a come here.

  40. 7:24 Can you tell this community why armed police were at the doors at PRMC today? WE all know why, they have screwed this community and they don't know what might happen. I bet Boss Hog isn't to be found in the halls like the staff are. She is hiding.

  41. 7:24-Agricultural can and did at one time support the area with tourism as a second. What happened was all the independent packers and processors were squeezed out by the big companies who lobbied law makers to place more and more restrictions on them so competition would evaporate. At one time there used to be over 30 chicken procession plants on the shore. The growers could name their price because there was completion competing for the product.
    The growers bought from local feed stores and other business fed off agriculture. Now with a handful of companies controlling the market and controlling the farmers even selling them the feed the area has suffered economically.
    We don't really have farming left here. It's corporate farming/factory farming and the ones doing the producing are being paid less and less regularly because the companies ran out competition so they can name their price or the farmers have no one to sell it to.

  42. What is happening to all the nursing students that PRMC has paid their tuition at Wor-Wic and Salisbury University? This adds up to thousands of dollars per student. How will the hospital recoup their investment? Use to be that you had to commit to work at PRMC for a given number of years.Will the tuition reimbursement still be in effect? Is anyone at the colleges telling the students that you might have a degree but you definitely won't have a job at PRMC? Some food for thought.

    1. The older nurses will get canned and they will hire on the new grads at sub standard pay rates because they are legally obligated to accept any position offered or pay back money in full.

  43. Anonymous said...
    Its not a matter of voting Dem or Rep, but vote SMART.

    September 18, 2013 at 2:23 PM

    Actually voting SMART means voting for the Republican and not the Democrat.

  44. I heard PRMC sent a letter to nursing students earlier this year stating they were being released from their contracts and they would not have a job waiting for them!

  45. Will the meetng of drama queens and kings please cme to order. I didn't know that business's have to answer to you clowns about their decisions.

  46. 6:51... I work in your area as well & I know he DID NOT do anything in that stockroom, Laura McIntyre did it!! She did it in CP and helped get Ed his undeserved accolades. That's the way things are in this joint. I see the man everyday playing games on his computer and then he socializes the remainder of the day. He will tell you he has nothing to do.

  47. There's a lot of speculation and finger pointing. Look what's happened to this area in the last 4 years. The issues here are duplicated everywhere in this country since Big Ears got elected. This horrible President and all his Liberal followers will never admit failure. It's easy to pick on PRMC but a lot of industries are doing the same thing. Times under this president are bad and won't improve until he's gone(sooner rather than later we hope). Take note of what Liberals are and recognize what they do. PRMC is not the villain here it's just a symptom of liberal rule. The bright side is more and more people are learning what a Liberal is and are gaining the knowledge of where they are.

  48. 9:26. You must not have anything to do either, except to worry about what everyone else is doing!

  49. I,bet you all wish you had gotten a union when you had the chance.

  50. Business ethics would suggest that most CEOs would not allow their daughter to be one of the preferred realtors for their own organization. Business ethics would suggest that hiring ones son in law in these challenging economic times might be viewed an unwise decision. I guess business ethics don't apply to this CEO

  51. Boss hog wasnt even on the eastern shore yesterday or today...how pathetic is that?

  52. Someone please tell me.why the board has allowed.this to.continue? Why Marty? Why Monty? Why John? Have you no sense of decency? PRMC is going to.the dogs.

  53. 11:04pm business ethics? Prmc has no clue what that is. It is a class culture based on haves and have nots. This ideology is put in place by the leadership and endorsed by the board.

  54. Agriculture can't support an area on its own so dont even try to make that case. You need a mix of large companies, industry, and corporate headquarters. The more farms than people idea although nice is no longer a viable way of life. The deal with PRMC is just like the way the shore has been heading for years. The eastern shore is now not the place to live and raise a family it once was. If you look at a recent job growth map of the US the areas with the most growth have a large mix of companies and population. You locals who constantly post here complaining about how bad things are on the shore need to look at the honest picture. Sure politics have a part in all this but the truth is in the numbers. The shore is in trouble and the fix won't be an easy one but complaining does nothing. Giving oc a makeover, some paint, ect wouldn't hurt but that falls on the bussiness owners to figure out not the government. After nearly twenty years call me a come here who is now a left here to never return.

  55. You can't base your economy on tourism or farming as neither will support an entire area.

    Other communities, and entire island nations do just that. Seems like you are one of those Johnny Know nothing's you speak of.

    One of the problems with farming is that farmers cannot get good prices for their produce, unless they run a stand and sell it themselves. Another is farmland is diminishing because farmers sell their land to all the come-heres with enough money to pay more than the land is worth.

    We will always have tourism here because of the draw of OC and De beaches. Along with historical sites dotted in this area.

    We had a few very good paying companies on the shore at one time. The unions and their members forced the companies to relocate because of unfair and unrealistic demands.

    With idiots like owemally and gayboy of sby, which are not business friendly, new businesses have no incentives to come here. And the ones already here are moving away to Texas and other states who appreciate businesses and the jobs they bring to the residents.

    Who in their right mind would want to come to this area when they hear of an absurd "RAIN TAX"?

    Too many taxes, too many regulations, too many lazy come-here's and not conductive to an employment pool.

    And I haven't even touched on the crime and gang issues. Nor the racism of the black community.

    Our "land of pleasant living" has been forfeited to the greedy landlords, corrupt politicians and cops, the dumbing down of public schools and the general population.

    Most would rather spread false rumors, negativity, and hate than uplift their fellow citizens.

    And when you have so called leaders and authority figures engaging in the same practices, no change for the better will be coming any time soon.

  56. Anonymous said...
    I,bet you all wish you had gotten a union when you had the chance.

    September 18, 2013 at 10:43 PM

    We have had unions in this area. And at least three that I can remember off the top of my head directly caused the businesses to leave the area.

    Unions are good in theory, and do good in the short term, but after time, they turn corrupt and kill the very businesses they infect.

  57. 9:26. You are probably the libtard that we hired from PCU. Worst decision that our department has ever made. We used to have a nice working environment until you came along. Now we all just worry when we will be a victim of your never-ending e mails that you love to send to administration. Not surprised though, from what I've been hearing, you have created havoc everywhere you've been at PRMC. Wish we had known that before we hired you!

  58. More layoffs coming today.

  59. "Anonymous said...
    Will the meetng of drama queens and kings please cme to order. I didn't know that business's have to answer to you clowns about their decisions.

    September 18, 2013 at 9:23 PM"

    Weak no principled people like you are the problem. Yuu are clearly a follower who lets others dictate and you obey blindly.
    You need to get a backbone. You are the reason this country is going to hell and why big business and large corps are controlling everything.
    Remember the golden rule. He with the gold rules. The corps may be wealthy but collectively the people could break them.
    Now stop being a follower!

  60. Nepotism has always been a big part of PRMC, in fact that may be a lot of the problem...too much immediate family. They bring people in from all over because they want fresh ideas. Once they get here, they bring in their cousins and any other unemployed family members.

    I don't believe Peggy personally got the job for her son-in-law, but I do believe the individual/individuals that hired him did it to score brownie points. He is an employee here and will probably be one until the doors shut permanently. What I do know he has not received any training because his supervisor doesn't know what the heck she's doing. He was thrown into a position without any guidance at all. No wonder he exhibitions so much frustration, plays computer games, and socializes...it's not fun when you work or with such incompetent supervisors and directors. I'm quite sure, given the opportunity, he would have done an excellent job rearranging the stockroom himself without being told by Laurie. So let's cut the man some slack and put the blame on the people that hired him, wether it be the Cath Lab or HR.

  61. Dr Piggy's family should not work there if she cannot keep the people working that have given their lives to the hospital
    Before she "takes care of her own" she needs to watch her step as what come around...

    Waiting for those grand kids to be born
    and there is nobody to staff the place as they were all laid off

    Please move on Peggy and get off the Eastern Shore



    please pray for these folks and their quick healing from the evil that lurches in the halls of the exec team offices led by the meanest of them all Dr Piggy

  63. The management should be ASHAMED of how they are treating the LPN. Making them work their shift, then coming at the end of the shift to meet them to say "this is your last day". 30 plus years and this is the thanks we get. Treat your patients like your most beloved family member..but treat employees like dirt. It is terrible!

  64. It could be Peggy was hired to do exactly what she is doing, then the Board and the executive staff can play the victim. Down sizing done, more money in their pockets, no blood on their hands. Peggy will be out soon and then they will give the public a sob story how she fed them a bunch of lies and played them. Don't trust ANY of them!!! All of them need to be gone!!!

  65. WOW...people REALLY hate PRMC. It is the talk of the town. BUT.. small problem... where will the ambulance take you next time when the attack hits you? Can we start getting answers? Can we start making changes for the better? I know what will happen if we don't.

  66. Yes, today is Thursday and again more lay-offs. The morale of the ones left is really bad. They are all so sad for the ones that have been let go and the way it was done today was just terrible. I know there is no good way to say sorry your fired, but after being there so many years it is obvious there is no compassion in that group. I would not treat a dog like that. I doubt any of them even own a dog... I surely hope not.

  67. How many more on Thursday. Does anyone know? I feel as a community we should come together in prayer and support. If you count the employees and their families and then start the ripple from these folks cutting back. This will impact such a large group in our community. My heart is breaking for them.

  68. Morale at it's lowest. Employees walking on eggshells. How can this be good for the patients they care for. Miss Piggy said when she first came here that if you didn't like things you would "get a ticket for the bus",guess she's giving out a lot of tickets.

  69. Couple thoughts re DT article: 3 cheers to Roger Follebout. The messenger always has one of the hardest jobs in a situation like this. Chris Hall: clever (?) comments about waiters and railroads don't mean much. As Mark Twain said, better to be thought a fool and remain silent than to open one's mouth and remove all doubt.

    Also, re, PRMC not getting rates sufficient to cover rising costs: this has been happening to physicians and other providers for years. Medicare rates have been increasing much lower than inflation for a decade. Somehow, these providers have coped (and yes they have made less money). Hospitals in Maryland have been protected by the outmoded rate-control system -- a socialist machine if there ever was one -- for far too long.

  70. With all the people who have been mentioned on FB that they have lost their jobs, I have to wonder if the hospital has been truthful about how many were terminated.

  71. Hows that hopy changy thing working out for you? If you voted for him you DESERVE to have lost your job.......... idiot.

    1. The Toyota Way!
      Here's a thought for all of the exec's at PRMC and their totally clueless board (many of which have no idea how the hospital runs) ...........
      You had your employees and physicians read the book The Toyota Way, now why don't each and every one of you go out and get "The Toyota Way for Dummies", sit down and take good notes and re-evaluate your lives and how you have totally screwed good people over by the way you are doing things! Do you hear me Chris? Peggy? Mary Lou? Bruce? A few individuals on the board should ask for a beginners intro on how the hospital even functions. You're an embarrassment!!! You're making MAJOR MAJOR decisions without even knowing who will be affected! Could it even be a friend?!! Who knows. Certainly not you. All you guys care about is ME & I. Sickening. Hopefully the new board chair will have a set and make some tough, much needed decisions. Who knows Chris? Who knows Peggy? Who knows Mary Lou? Who knows Bruce? Maybe you guys will even get some notice. I certainly hope not! Sleep well folks.

  72. Maybe Alan would come back he wasnt ready to leave


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