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Sunday, September 22, 2013

PRMC Layoffs

As of Wednesday PRMC has laid off 188 people, so far. 


  1. Does this include the "early retirements" or not? I am thinking they have fudged their numbers. Hello Ricky, don't spend our tax dollars this year before you know the impact of this layoff.

  2. Did PRMC report 130 offers for early retirement and 58 layoffs? Is that this number or did this come from another source?

  3. If there was a real package offered using the early retirement age of 55 like most businesses do then there likely would have been fewer to be laid off. But again, we are talking about PRMC and a administration that can't understand the peons needs. And afterall, with the Marty Neats, Bill McCains, Ed Urbans etc on the board supposedly making decisions or giving cover, they can't understand the needs of the workforce either. But let me just say one thing, KARMA is a bitch. I can't wait for the new hospital to be built in Easton. Bye, bye PRMC.

  4. There were 132 offers of early retirements, 204 vacant positions eliminated, and 101 "reduction in force" meaning filled positions that were eliminated.

    However, this isn't the last round of layoffs. The current plan ends 11/1 but a new one kicks off at the conclusion of FY '14. So for those still employed: be on your best behavior. You won't be out of the woods until FY '19. That is their 'strategic plan' cycle. Whatever that even means. Overpaid wasted funds to consultants if you ask me.

    Good luck to those who didn't get a fat stack of cash to get the heck out of there. As for me, I'm on to much, much brighter horizons and growing industries.

  5. Truly a sad situation for an institution with such a great heritage layoffs are a part of the business cycle but the way this has been handled is so unprofessional and has had such an impact on hospital morale you can only wonder about the impact on patient care. Experienced leadership is needed in these challenging times.

  6. CNA'S need not worry , they are cheap labor. They run the hospital by changing bed pans and cleaning messes.
    The higher paid people have been the first to go , even though they need nurses and skilled professionals.
    It's a shame Obama has screwed up this health care system in the U.S..

    You can't blame anyone but him , he is satanic.

  7. Truly a sad situation for an institution with such a great heritage layoffs are a part of the business cycle but the way this has been handled is so unprofessional and has had such an impact on hospital morale you can only wonder about the impact on patient care. Experienced leadership is needed in these challenging times.

  8. How's that "Hope and Change" working Out for you I Hope all you libtards rot in hell

  9. Come on down University of MD Medical Center. Now is the time to pick up some great docs and nurses and they can close the damn place. Leighton Moore, Frank Hanna and others who have been so generous, what say you now?

  10. Hope someone if left when the ambulance takes you there because you are bleeding out.

  11. Sensitive aren't you 12:35. Bleeding out is a medical term. So which one of management are you? Are maybe you are one of their hatchman. There is no place for ugliness when people have given more than 1/2 their lives to your institution.

  12. Is there a state review of hospitals like there is for nursing homes? It would be interesting to see if they are watching the process at PRMC.

  13. PRMC's reimbursement will depend on patient satisfaction scores. If the staff is unhappy, and morale is low, I can only imagine what patient care will be like. This in turn will lead to low scores from the patient, which means less reimbursement.

  14. Bet you are sorry you voted for that Worthless Piece of A$$ in the White House

  15. Waaaah! Given all the businesses that have closed on the shore, is anyone really surprised PMRC headed for the same fate. Perdue will be one of the last employers until the environazis putthem out of business too.

  16. 188 , Mmmmm , sounds like they didn't need these employees last year either. I don't understand their theory . They employed these people , now they don't , why?
    I really think they have idiots at their human resources. Maybe just a bunch of women!!

  17. I guess that 3:22 skipped the business courses in college. Every company has the need for more or less employees due to many factors. Look at Walmart/Target/Sears. They are hiring now for the fall spending spree that we call christmas. Come the end of December those jobs will be eliminated.

  18. Obamacare hasn't gone into affect yet but the hospital had been losing money since Jan?
    Maybe someone needs to do an audit!

  19. The treatment from the hospital to those who were terminated was the most unprofessional deal that has hit this area is a very long time. That comes from the top. Peggy needs to be removed from the hospital without notice. How would she like that. OH yes, she has a "contract" they will have to buy out.

  20. Isn't it law to issue a warn notice after mass layoffs? Someone should look into that.... do I smell lawsuit?

  21. 12:58 No... I'm a big Gray's anatomy fan! I hear the term all the time. I can tell you I hope and pray to God that I don't need to be taken to PRMC. That's all.

  22. Dear 5:50
    Don't blame you a bit , go to Berlin Atlantic General. They are a professional Hospital.
    You can go to any hospital you request . PRMC is the pits.

  23. 11:37
    You are misinformed as many GNA's and CNA's did lose their jobs with the closing of TCU, as none were reabsorbed. It is disgusting to hear you labeling those hardworking individuals as "cheap labor". Yes there be many levels of work, but it is disgusting to read your post degrading those individuals as they are a vital part of the healthcare team.

  24. If the layoffs are less than 33% of the total workforce, an employer is not obligated to provide notice under the WARN act.

  25. Really sad that these nurses...etc.. go to college.. spend thousands of dollars to make something of themselves to have a great career and they have this in the back of their minds. People that are older and sick depend on these educated people. I was in there several times and the way the nurses and cna's made you feel are everything... patients need them totally 24/7. It was a common way to handle human beings and all involved!!!!

  26. They've fired over 200 in the last 3 months.

  27. More CNA's were released yesterday. How many employees did the hospital have and what percentage have they sent packing. Of course we can't trust PRMC's numbers. LOL

  28. When I got here a number of years ago, I soon realized there were only a few places here on the Eastern Shore that would provide a wage commensurate with the cost of living.

    SU, PRMC, and Perdue!

    A couple of years ago Perdue had a round of payoffs that they have not recovered from...and the word on the job market keeps good talent from coming to them - even though they now have some job openings.

    With PRMC doing the same thing, it's gonna be real hard for this area to recover - let alone survive in the tax-onerous environment this area has become.

    Between the city's piggy-back tax and the county's rates recently approved for increase (thanks to the RINO's on the county council caving), don't expect to see the revenue streams that are being counted on to fund local projects.

    Remember who you voted for - and what they've done to represent you the next time you cast a ballot!

  29. Folks wake up it's not Obamacare. It's Peggycare that's the problem

  30. Wake up 11:30, ITS BOTH!!

  31. 7:06- I bet you are brass at prmc.


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