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Thursday, September 12, 2013

Poll: More Americans Believe World Trade Center 7 Was Demolished On 9/11 Than Believe The Government's Explanation

Preface: Americans have learned in the past decade that our government lied to us about:

Iraq weapons of mass destruction (and here)
The case for war against Syria (and see this)
Its involvement in false flag terror Iran in the 1950s
Pervasive spying by the NSA
Manipulation of the markets by big banks
And various other important topics

But do Americans think that the government lied about 9/11?

A new poll shows that they do. At least about World Trade Center Building 7.

We’re not talking about the Twin Towers … although Building 7 was part of the same complex. No planes hit Building 7, no one was killed when Building 7 fell, no wars were launched on the basis of Building 7, and no civil rights were lost because of the destruction of Building 7.

In other words, Building 7 is a “safe topic” we can discuss without heated emotion. And numerous high-level architects and engineers have already debunked the government’s claims.

Following is a press release from ReThink911 and Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth – a group of more than 2,000 architects and engineers – concerning a new poll by YouGov.

How would you answer the poll questions?

On the 12th anniversary of 9/11, a new national survey by the polling firm YouGov reveals that one in two Americans have doubts about the government’s account of 9/11, and after viewing video footage of World Trade Center Building 7’s collapse, 46% suspect that it was caused by a controlled demolition. Building 7, a 47-story skyscraper, collapsed into its own footprint late in the afternoon on 9/11.

The poll was sponsored by ReThink911, a global public awareness campaign launched on September 1. The campaign includes a 54-foot billboard in Times Square and a variety of transit and outdoor advertising in 11 other cities, all posing the question, “Did you know a third tower fell on 9/11?”



  1. WHO ya gonna believe? THEM? Or your lying eyes? A 47 story building falls perfectly. Nothing touched it. Nothing to see here, folks. These things happen every once in a while...

  2. How is 46% that believe this more than those that dont?

  3. I don't believe our government or the media for much BUT I don't think it was possible for anyone to rig that building in that short amount of time.

    I really do think the meltdown of two 110 story buildings had dire consequences for Building 7 that sat at its foot. Things happen and engineers learn.

    Did anyone know that one of the planes (I believe it was the 2nd one that hit) took a dive no one thought modern planes could make? They learned.

  4. This is BS one of the colums were weakened and it casuse the collape.....dont be a sheepieeee.

  5. Hell. Who really cares. This country is still debating, who killed President John F. Kennedy.

  6. Bush attacked Iraq because they said nasty things about his father. Pay back time.

  7. Hard to believe propaganda versus facts, common sense and basic physics. The New World Order scum will use whoever they can, foriegn and domestic, to promote their evil agenda. Also 10:38 an honest look at the fall of building 7 proves demolition was involved. To say overwise is playing the monkey-see-no-evil game.

  8. If any of you are curious about 9/11 I'd suggest you google Loose Change... It's a documentary of sorts. It offers a different approach to the day. It does use a little conspiracy theory to be honest but it will still stun you as you watch it. There are more unanswered questions about 9/11 then there have ever been answers and loose change is worth a look.

  9. 10:38 I urge you to do a little research on your own. You can start with "Rebuilding America's Defenses"- The Project for a New American Century, by Donald Rumsfeld and Dick Cheney. It's about 90 pages, but you can skip to section V. This was written in September of 2000. If you're not the reading type, search "Loose Change" on YouTube. The powers that be played on the general publics lack of knowledge in the fields of basic physics and chemistry. A building cannot collapse at free fall speeds in its own footprint without the practice of demolition. Underwriters Laboratory approved steel, like the kind used in building 7's construction and the towers, melts at 2000 degrees. But strangely jet fuel maxes out at 1500 degrees. But the official story states structural damage from fire brought down building 7. This was a planned domestic terror attack financed and carried out on our dime by an elite group of corrupt military industrial / corporate complex, banking elite oligarchy for billion dollar no bid contracts, war financing, and a dark passion for destructive power. It's freaky to think about, but how crazy is it really with what's been going on? Sadly we are seen as useless eaters to the globalist demons. Eugenics, Order out of chaos, problem/reaction/solution.
    The 3000 who were murdered were collateral damage to these sicko's! It's time to wake up people, speak up and get our country back.


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